To be honest, Crowds for Union Club Games have come on a lot over the years.
League at the Top gets Bigger crowds, but is let down by the smaller Clubs. Union doesnt get as Bigger Crowds at the top, but doesnt get as badder Crowds at the bottom end.
Union did get a big lift with the World Cup win, but that has tailed off now. Dont always belive the Hype though, who can forget the 1 billion who were watching the World Cup Final (25 million the correct figure) around the world. No one can polish a Turd as well as the Union Spin Machine.
You also have to bear in mind the Media we have here. I often laugh at yourselves complaining about Coverage, and what other Codes get in comparison (i.e AFL). Here, we are still up against a very Negative and often Bitter Press that will often try and put the boot in when they see it. We have just had a report by a Union Guy in Ireland, where he has more or less called us 'B*****ds, mainly because of all the failed League Coaches taking up prominant Positions in their Game (they want to destroy, but they so much want to be us too).
However, coverage is High this week as its Grand Final week, and it will be with the Tri Nations. Whether we like it or Not, International Competition, is the best Advert for the Game, and a High proportion of folk who wouldnt normally watch the Game, will watch us a GB&I taking on the Aussies and Kiwis.
Richard Lewis has done a great Job here as Cheif Exec, getting us out of a lot of Debt (left over from the 2000 world Cup) and has the Game making a good Profit each year, and this comes on the back of Sell outs at our Major Games, and the Internationals.
To sum up, crowds are up, Sponsership is up, Numbers, especially Juniors are through the Roof, Coverege is getting better through the Media, the International Game is getting stronger again. A strong BG team though would send things sky high.