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Smash Hunt !

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First Grade
Iafeta said:
I'm fairly sure Brent Webb has New Zealand citizenship.

Secondly, once he is selected at international level for one country, he is ineligible to represent another major country (I believe). He'll still be available for the Kiwis, unless he goes to rugby union. I don't really catch your drift there?

As I've said previously, I was under the impression he was just a permanent resident, I apologise if I'm incorrect.

Let's be honest here, Webb would never have represented New Zealand had he not come to the Warriors, if he leaves I seriously question whether he will stay committed to the Kiwis. International League eligibility is so bloody micky mouse but I doubt we don't have a system like most other sports where if you reside in a country for a certain amount of time you become eligible for national selection, particularly in Webb's case being a born and bred Australian.

Iafeta said:
Salivor, my beef with the issue is his comments a couple of months ago when he wanted to talk to Brian McClennan about the prospects of him joining the Kiwis. Now, maybe its just me, but my nationality is a pretty much open and shut case, black and white, straight down the middle. Been in Australia for near on a decade, and I can guarantee to you I wouldn't give my New Zealand allegiance up for anything.

Overall, he's made his choice - I just hope for his sake that he's made it on the right grounds. Not because someone's got in his ear, but because he genuinely considers himself an Australian, and as Brian McClennan said, his heart pounds for the Australian national anthem and what it represents. If that's the case, so be it, good luck to him. Personally, as per what I read between the lines, thats why I voted no for him being a Kiwi because he didn't seem to have an idea in his beliefs. If he's decided since then, then good luck to him.

I don't really blame Karmichael Hunt for being confused when he's got everyone around him feeding him different opinions. First off Bennett for example says he shouldn't be selected for any rep sides then backs Hunt's decision for be eligible for QLD and Aus and then this year says that Hunt should think about representing NZ. Then you've constantly got NZ hounding him and the media constantly on his back. Even now that he's been selected for Australia he can't cop a break from the media, fans and the general public. You think Hunt doesn't know that he was damned if he did and damned if he didn't? I'd be feeling confused as to what the next step was myself if in his position.

At the end of they day Hunt has been asked several times now to switch and has stayed loyal to Queensland and Australia each time. He could've taken the easy option with only a handful of first grade games behind him and become a Kiwi a couple of years ago. I think people here would've been more outraged had he abused the Kiwi jersey in that manner, taking someone else's rightful place for which he had no real passion for. Instead he's realised he doesn't have the passion for the Kiwi jersey, and by not taking an easy option has shown respect for it IMO. Some of the keyboard heros here need to take a few deep breathes and let some oxygen get to their brains.


xstasy said:
hey is your brain like the size of your c**k? cos if it is it must be like microscopicaly small.

Who stole your pacifier? Want some peanut butter on it bubby? Will that help you sleep?

cutie has suggested in the past he follows the All Blacks.


Iafeta said:
Who stole your pacifier? Want some peanut butter on it bubby? Will that help you sleep?

cutie has suggested in the past he follows the All Blacks.

he certainly has, also said he would maybe like to play for them 1 day.


Garts said:
he certainly has, also said he would maybe like to play for them 1 day.
So has Willy Mason, (who was born in Auckland.) What is your point. He also was considering playing for the Kiwis in 2001, but decided on the Aussies. I don't see anyone bagging him on here.
I don't agree with the selection of Hunt, but I don't think you can bag one player in particular for doing the same thing as other players before him.

AsPiRiNg YoUtH

salivor said:
At the end of they day Hunt has been asked several times now to switch and has stayed loyal to Queensland and Australia each time. He could've taken the easy option with only a handful of first grade games behind him and become a Kiwi a couple of years ago. I think people here would've been more outraged had he abused the Kiwi jersey in that manner, taking someone else's rightful place for which he had no real passion for. Instead he's realised he doesn't have the passion for the Kiwi jersey, and by not taking an easy option has shown respect for it IMO. Some of the keyboard heros here need to take a few deep breathes and let some oxygen get to their brains.

Well said buddy, i could not agree more, well said :clap:


I think if he was a genuine nice guy people wouldnt care.....

but the guy comes across as an arrogant c**k as Iafeta stated K Hunt said 'ill consider the kiwi jersey if they contact me' ......that doesnt sound right, the guy thinks hes all that and a bag of chips

hes neither here nor there, doesnt come across as a team guy think about a comparison of Benji, the guy recovered from a big shoulder injury in half the expected time to represent NZ, thats what international game of any sport is about, passion and he seems to lack it.....anyway i wish him luck for the game, but the Kiwis have extra motivation so should be interesting


First Grade
Murphdogg1 said:
I think if he was a genuine nice guy people wouldnt care.....

but the guy comes across as an arrogant c**k as Iafeta stated K Hunt said 'ill consider the kiwi jersey if they contact me' ......that doesnt sound right, the guy thinks hes all that and a bag of chips

Give me a break, the guy has had all of a handful of television interviews if that and very few quotes attributed to him in his time in first grade so far as the Broncos have sheltered him from the media. How based on that could anyone tell what sort of bloke Hunt is?


All I know is that Hunt did state that he would consider a NZ jersey only 2 weeks back, and now he will be playing for Aussie.

I have this feeling in my stomach that SBW will pull off his signature shoulder into Hunt and Hunt will go falling to the ground. If thats not enough, remember we have Wiki...


Its going to be one HELL of a match.

Pierced Soul

First Grade
SBW shoulder----------->Hunt----------------->Brisbane Public Hospital

SBW walks on field---------->injured------------------>out for year

Benji tries to tackle--------->injured--------------->out for year

Webb singing anthem ------>forgets words------------>it's ok cos he play for the kwiis


I couldn't give a rats if Hunt wants to play for Australia. It's his choice.

The fact that he was selected ahead of Bowen, Hodgson, Hornby, Wesser etc. etc. is the real disgrace. How the f**k can he be considered number 2 FB after Minichiello?


As an Aussie, I hope Hunt gets smashed too! I cant beleive he has been selected for the Test Team, I see his selection as a way of making sure that he doesnt play for NZ in the future. He will not play rep footy for sometime to come after this game.

I attend a heap of Broncos games and have watched Hunt carefully for the last couple of years. Things I have noticed about him include:

The bloke is a terrible last line of defence
Often gets stood up (by players with little speed)
Has very poor positional play
Fairly slow for a back

I beleive he is worth at least 6 points to the Kiwis on Friday night. There are many fullbacks in the comp who are better then him. With Mini out, why wasnt Locky shifted to 1, thurston into 6 and another player added to the bench?

Better No 1's (in no real order)

1. Matt Bowen (test and origin exp)
2. Ben Hornby (on fire for Drags in last few weeks, Origin Exp)
3. Rhys Wesser (origin)
4. Wade McKinnon (highly underrated)
5. Clinton Schifkofske
6. Greg Inglis (maybe a rookie, but his performance on sat night showed his talent)
7. Billy Slater (suspended)
8. Mini (injured)
9. Brett Hodgson (injured)
10. Milton Thaiday (injured)

Going by my calculations he is about the 11th best fullback running around in terms of ability in playing in this position... Why the hell did he get a call up? Just being greedy on behalf of the ARL!


ozbash said:
Anything less than the medi-vac is unacceptable.

I dont care if the kiwis get thrashed so long as this traitor is cleaned up and hopefully will never play again.

:roll: and Webb playing fullback for the Kiwis is ok??? FFS


First Grade
Where were the Cayless brothers born?

Where was Jake Webster born?

Where was Frank Pritchard born?

Where was Webb born??

All born in Australia which means they are ALL AUSSIES.......ffs you guys whinge about Hunt when 5 of your team where not even born in the Shaky Isles.

Hunt came to Australia when he was 10...he is an Australian citizen therefore he is elligible to play for Australia, end of story.



AN angry New Zealand has lit the fuse for Friday's trans-Tasman Test by vowing to punish Australian fullback Karmichael Hunt for turning his back on the country of his birth.

The Kiwis gathered on the Gold Coast yesterday as news of Auckland-born Hunt's elevation to the Australian squad filtered through the camp.

Hunt, who moved to Australia from New Zealand when he was 10, earlier this year considered making himself available for the Kiwis after his chances of representing Queensland in State of Origin appeared slim.

The Kiwis tried to be diplomatic when told of Hunt's selection in place of injured fullback Anthony Minichiello, but several players were privately seething at his perceived lack of loyalty.

It was too much for young Kiwi stars Jake Webster and Frank Pritchard – both Australian-born – who said Hunt would finish the Test wishing he had never made it on to the field.

Melbourne Storm winger Webster claimed Hunt would "pay the consequences" for his swinging allegiances.

"It doesn't look good for him and I think he's going to find that out," he said.

"He's going to get it. You can't do what he has done and expect to get off lightly.

"We will definitely be out to make him pay. He'll get his share of treatment.

"It's pretty ordinary, really. A lot of the boys will be out to touch him up. I know I will be."

Pritchard, the Penrith Panthers second-rower, claimed Hunt had proved he only cared about himself by failing to commit himself to one country or the other.

He said there was no place in the New Zealand squad for players who were unsure where their loyalties rested.

Several Kiwi representatives have made their choices. Fullback Brent Webb was born in Cairns, Webster in Melbourne, while Pritchard and the Cayless brothers, Jason and Nathan, were born in Sydney.
"It's his decision. Come Friday, just bring it on," Pritchard said.

"All the boys, out of respect for the black and white jersey, are going to show him what he has turned his back on."

Hunt said he was expecting a backlash from the Kiwis as he prepares to become one of Australia's youngest debutants.

"I'm expecting it quite a bit, even the dirty stuff," he said yesterday after he was rushed into the Australian camp following Minichiello's withdrawal because of a lower back complaint.

At 19 years and 169 days, Hunt will be the youngest Australian fullback in 95 years and the fifth youngest national team debutant.

Wests Tigers five-eighth Benji Marshall said he had accepted Hunt's decision but was far from happy.

He said he had previously tried to convince Hunt to play for NZ in the belief the Kiwis could dominate the international game with him in the team.

"I'm a little bit disappointed to be honest, but that's life," Marshall said.

"I've always expressed that I wanted him to play for New Zealand."

Marshall can also expect to be targeted, with Australian players yesterday admitting they would test the condition of the young star's suspect shoulder.

Well all you kiwi heros on here giving it to Hunt for playing for OZ why dont you have a closer look at your own team.

Bowen is very unlucky but Hunt is in great form and his combinations with Locky will crave the Kiwi's up!!!!!!!!!

Good on you Hunt for keeping to your guns, Hope you Play a blindder!!!

Mr Saab

Australians are very funny lot. We accept overseas sports stars as our own, like Kostya and Vic Darchinian, yet we cant accept Hunt.
When an overseas star gets caught with performance enhacing drugs we rubbish them...when an australian is caught with the same thing we blame :
3 yr old headache tablets
Drink spiking
Didnt know it was on the banned list.

Bunch of bloody hypocrites.

I have no problem with Hunt choosing Australia as the nation he wants to play for. My problem is that it should have been Inglis or Bowen.


First Grade
yeah same, Mr Saab. I reckon Bowen should have been picked but Hunt got the nod, and as such I'll be cheering him on.

He's wearing the green and gold and he's got my support.


As I'm not a Kiwi or Aussie, for me it's not so much that he has chosen to play for one and not the other, it's more the manner in which he has conducted himself. The constant yes-no-yes-no over playing for new Zealand has been ridiculous.

And if you read what the Kiwi players have said it's that dilly-dallying that has upset them. Sure, pick one over the other, but make a choice and stick to it. He's acted like a twat.


Doesnt it make you australians filthy that the australian selectors have selected a kiwi(or someone who wasnt sure what he was a couple of weeks) knowing that he could possibly lose the game for you and giving the Kiwis more desire to win the game? Maybe cutie is a mole?:lol:


As a Kiwi Im sooo happy that Australia have selected cutie because
1. I would rather the Kiwis face him than Matty Bowen
2. he will be a 1 test wonder and will never play origin! exactly what he deserves!
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