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SMH Article

Great article in today's Herald about our beloved Blue boys.


Striking cold gold

Andrew Webster | June 29, 2007

AH, the good old days. We look back at them as better times yet we gloss over the detail. For instance, KB is remembered as an iconic drop of beer but we forget it went out of mass production for a reason. Because it tastes like cat's urine.
Whatever you do, don't tell the blessed souls knocking back the gold cans on the hill at Henson Park. They like their KB just as it is, thanks very much. And their home ground. And their footy team: the Newtown Jets, founded 1908.
League's lost its heart, has it? Well, it was to be found last Saturday at the nondescript footy ground tucked away in the back streets of Marrickville, right under the flight path.
For it's here where you can buy a real steak sandwich, let the kids run wild on the hill, scream at the referee to get 'em onside, feel like you've slipped back in time, remember those good old days when the game meant something.
After being turfed from the NSWRL competition in 1983, the Jets didn't field a team until 1990 when it returned to Metro Cup. They've played in the premier league since 2000.
In that time, the Jets have realised the value in its retro ambience, the street cred of its unblemished jersey and being precisely what the NRL is not.
"It's cool to support Newtown - it's become a fashion item," proclaims Barry Vining, club president since 1986 and director since 1980. "You have three beers at the Henson Park hotel then go stand on the hill with your mates and drink a few KBs while watching the footy.
"We realise who we are and what we represent."
He adds: "The only way we'd go to the NRL is if John Singleton relocated us to the Central Coast and called us the Jets."
Matt Nable realises who Newtown is about, too.
A former Manly first-grader, he wrote the first draft of the The Final Winter 10 years ago while playing in the north of England.
The film, which received overwhelming response at the Sydney Film Festival last week and will be released on August 30, is about an old-school player struggling to come to terms with his club's move into the professional era in the early 1980s.
Nable plays the central figure, Mick "Grub" Henderson, and The Footy Show's Matthew Johns makes his big-screen debut as the coach, Jack Cooper - a perfect choice given his background as the son of a Cessnock coal miner and tough-as-nails back-rower.
A score of the game's legendary figures, including the Herald's Roy Masters, make cameo appearances.
"The story started as a memoir of my childhood when I would go to the footy at Brookvale on a Sunday arvo with my father," Nable says. "But the impetus for it as a screenplay became about the change in the game. People in rugby league are always talking about how it used to be."
But without question, the central character in The Final Winter is Newtown. "I looked at several clubs - Balmain, South Sydney, North Sydney, Western Suburbs," says Nable. "But Newtown was a perfect fit. I remembered going to Henson Park as a kid. The way the supporters were proud of their struggle; the way they wore it on their faces. They do the same thing now."
Last Saturday, Jets fans wore it on their faces as their boys took on Parramatta - a replay, of sorts, of the 1981 grand final.
The club had urged supporters to "beat the crowd" - the dubious attendance figure of 8972 the Jets announce for each home game.
Whether in the King George V Memorial Grandstand rubbing shoulders with former fullback Phil Sigsworth or happily lining up for gold cans under the scoreboard on the hill, the supporter base became diversified the more it swelled.
Fans in original Newtown jumpers with dreadlocks to their knees sat alongside families on blankets with cut lunches - both rare sights at NRL fixtures these days.
"Get 'em onside! Get off him!" yelled a punter, tongue-in-cheek. "What's the other one?" he whispers to his girlfriend next to him. "He's been doing it all day!"
While the NRL is in danger of taking itself very seriously, you cannot accuse Newtown of the same. That's not to say it lacks significance.
Father Dave Smith, an Anglican priest at Holy Trinity Church at Dulwich Hill, has supported Newtown for as long as he's been supporting the man upstairs. The crucifix dangling from his neck rests just inches from the Jets' emblem near his heart.
"As a parish priest, this is what I love," he says, pointing to the dozens of kids playing on the field at half-time. "Rugby league is not about being a business. It's not about being about the dollars. It's about being a game. About recreation. About life."
But that's not to say a loss doesn't hurt.
As the sun died, the Jets adhered to the Struggle St script: hauling back a half-time deficit; grabbing a one-point lead with minutes remaining; allowing Parramatta to snatch it with a late converted try.
But at Henson Park, defeat only leaves a sour taste in the mouth for so long because, thankfully, there's plenty of KB to wash it all away.


Every couple of years this sort of feature pops up. Rugby League Week did one (I think the journo was Pickering) and Ian Heads did one as well. It all helps.


Jeffles said:
Every couple of years this sort of feature pops up. Rugby League Week did one (I think the journo was Pickering) and Ian Heads did one as well. It all helps.

that rugby league week one I've got at home. I remember then that Barry Vining, geriatric chairman extraordinaire, mentioned a relocation to the Central Coast. And he's done it again here where he says, "The only way we'd go to the NRL is is John Singleton relocated us to the Central Coast and called us the Jets." Newsflash old man - Singo doesn't own the Jets and the sun would still shine if Singo closed his arse cheeks! The members own the Jets! He could never relocate us. He never comes to our games anyway. If he did, Bumper O'Dwyer would mention it. He fell over himself to mention Phil Gould and Brad Fittler were there on Wednesday - if singo was there it'd be the whole match report. Singo is too busy with his beer, his horses and his failed marriages to come to Jets games. don't get me wrong, the odd sponsorship here and there is welcome but let's not exaggerate his influence on the club.

This unrealistic uninformed rubbish promoted by the president is not productive for the club. Unfortunately some fans will read that part and treat it as the highlight of the article, when the theme should be how great Newtown is now at Henson Park with street cred! Case in point was Matt Nable. He says, "Newtown was the perfect fit," for the movei because, "The way the supporters were proud of their struggle; the way they wore it on their faces." He didn't mention the REAL REASON newtown was chosen for the film (ownership of TM bypassing NRL licensing regulations) and so matt nable maintained the street cred of the movie and his club. While we're at it, what about Barry Vining mentioning the Henson Park Hotel - renowned NON-SPONSOR of the Newtown Jets RLFC. As true as it is - that fans do drink there - he trumpeted someone that gives no money and gave our sponsors no free advertising in one of the club's biggest media features this year when he had the chance. Why not be creative and mention the Jets Sports Club - the club he is also Chairman of or the other pubs and clubs that back us! The journo wouldn't have investigated that - he would have accepted it. instead we have tacit endorsement of a pub that refuses to kick money into the jets despite all the business they bring them.

look - it's a great article overall but a lot of its potential was undone by the president. who cares what happened in the past - he's past it. he should get out of the 80s and get to the present day


Jeffles said:
Are we all friends on the forum again. :lol:
yes Jeffles, we may all be friends on here, but you my friend should seriously consider to refrain from posting as you never fail to rally behind the anti-clockwise functions of the Newtown board.


Die-Hard p/t Jet Fan said:
Yeah except for you Jeffles, since I have met you, your aura has disappeared ;-)


a quote as per GOD the ALL MIGHTY CRAFTY ONE, 27062007


First Grade
you guys are all on crack.

You wanna see people who play for the Jets because of the love of the jets come see A grade. No payments. No feeder teams to go dropping players and boosting our position. No massive sponsors lobbing cash around.

Come see the a graders play.

Although, be a cold day in hell before any of you supposed "newtown fans" would stoop down to our level wouldn't it...

thumbs up

Brendo, you are obviously very passionate about your club, your team and your team mates, something that has been missing in rugby league for some time now.

good luck with your game.

thumbs up

Mr Smith, I personally find the majority of your comments demeaning toward Newtown, I am unsure if you are an insider with an axe to grind or someone who keeps an ear close to the ground, however I am now starting to rethink my opinion.

I was having a quiet beer on Thursday night at my local and overheard a gentleman virtually telling a group of people what you have posted.

the conversation went very much along the lines of " I want you to look at the bloke on your left, now look at the bloke on your right, now I want you to understand that this will be the last year you will be playing at this level as a team"

I for one was shocked, to think anybody would offend the playing roster after a hard fought game, as was the case after Wednesday nights narrow lose to the Bulldogs.

This person who I am lead to believe is also a director of Newtown should be banished immediately from the board for his self gratifying, egotistical comments.

From previous years being associated with rugby league I fully understand that to field at team at the level Newtown do is a costly experience, people with great personal skills and a good business acumen are needed to keep the club viable, Newtown's struggle has been well documented over the last few weeks, these stinging comments will do nothing for team moral or pride within the club, personally I would re-consider ever pulling on the jersey knowing that the team has limited support from the club, thanks to one persons poor personal skills, even if Newtown do not field a team at the same level next year, so be it, but why kick the guys in the guts after such a hard fought battle, you would never hear that Bruno Cullen told the Broncos players they wont be together next year after a game!

I am a realist and understand Newtown will never compete at NRL level again, I am also realistic enough to understand Newtown do everything on a shoe string budget and if it was not for the Roosters joint venture we, the supporters would be cheering a third grade team.

I also have been made aware that this director has in previous years given Newtown substantial financial support, that, on hear say, I am told has not been forthcoming the past two seasons yet he would have all and sundry believe Newtown would not exist without him.

on a parting note, I am grateful to Newtown, as I use Henson Park home games as a fix of footy the way it is meant to be, a fun family day, not a business
brendothejet said:
you guys are all on crack.

You wanna see people who play for the Jets because of the love of the jets come see A grade. No payments. No feeder teams to go dropping players and boosting our position. No massive sponsors lobbing cash around.

Come see the a graders play.

Although, be a cold day in hell before any of you supposed "newtown fans" would stoop down to our level wouldn't it...

pigs arse, where are you playing today? I'm there.
to me it looks like that now this forum has become a political battle ground for the jets board to hammer out their views in pubic while hinding behind thier usernames. all very childish.
me ? i'm not a board member so i do'nt need to come out of the closet ( so to speak ) i'm just a fan of this great club , i pay my 8 bucks at the gate to watch the footie but from what i read do i need to start looking for another team to watch next season ?


I'm sure the last thing I or any Jets fan wants is to lose a member of the flock. Our supporters are critical to our future.

2 True Blues

the kids name is Shaun

he is playing for Newtown in the premier league where is is going to waste, the coach has very little idea, the roosters should look to the future and punt Newtown as there feeder club.

A club director went into the dressing room after a game and belittled the players after Wednesday nights narrow lose to the team that is leading the comp.

**** He was over in the Roosters forum posting this on 1/7/07. Don't know where he is now ???****


First Grade
Mr_Smith said:
that rugby league week one I've got at home. I remember then that Barry Vining, geriatric chairman extraordinaire, mentioned a relocation to the Central Coast. And he's done it again here where he says, "The only way we'd go to the NRL is is John Singleton relocated us to the Central Coast and called us the Jets." Newsflash old man - Singo doesn't own the Jets and the sun would still shine if Singo closed his arse cheeks! The members own the Jets! He could never relocate us. He never comes to our games anyway. If he did, Bumper O'Dwyer would mention it. He fell over himself to mention Phil Gould and Brad Fittler were there on Wednesday - if singo was there it'd be the whole match report. Singo is too busy with his beer, his horses and his failed marriages to come to Jets games. don't get me wrong, the odd sponsorship here and there is welcome but let's not exaggerate his influence on the club.

I think you'll find that Barry's comments were 1 part tongue in cheek and 1 part PR for Singo and Central Coast Stadium. Getting into the NRL is not an objective of the club.

While we're at it, what about Barry Vining mentioning the Henson Park Hotel - renowned NON-SPONSOR of the Newtown Jets RLFC. As true as it is - that fans do drink there - he trumpeted someone that gives no money and gave our sponsors no free advertising in one of the club's biggest media features this year when he had the chance. Why not be creative and mention the Jets Sports Club - the club he is also Chairman of or the other pubs and clubs that back us! The journo wouldn't have investigated that - he would have accepted it. instead we have tacit endorsement of a pub that refuses to kick money into the jets despite all the business they bring them.

Again, I think you'll find that Barry may have been doing a bit of spade work to encourage the HPH owners back into the fold.

He's a shrewd businessman, and not an idiot by any stretch of the imagination.

You understand less than you think.


your kidding hrundi

i think you have limited knowledge of what goes on at this club. I remember reading about you previously - werent you involved sometime ago??? and what happened to you then?? from what I can gather mr vining has little knowledge of wht goes on himself so i doubt you do either!


hrundi99 said:
I think you'll find that Barry's comments were 1 part tongue in cheek and 1 part PR for Singo and Central Coast Stadium. Getting into the NRL is not an objective of the club.

Again, I think you'll find that Barry may have been doing a bit of spade work to encourage the HPH owners back into the fold.

He's a shrewd businessman, and not an idiot by any stretch of the imagination.

You understand less than you think.

are you a director on the newtown board?

you seem to have your head that far up Barry Vinnings arse you would have eye contact with both Bumper O'Dwyer and "GOD" ( terry )

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