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So the decsion was right...they just binned the wrong bloke?


What a load of crap.

NRL refs' boss fuming over sin-bin error JOSH JERGA [/B]

April 19, 2010 - 6:29PM

NRL referees' boss Robert Finch is fuming the wrong player got sin binned in Parramatta's 22-8 win over South Sydney on Sunday, saying the decision was unacceptable.
In the 64th minute, referee Ben Cummins sent Eels captain Nathan Cayless from the field following an already hefty penalty count by both sides and stern warnings by officials.
Cayless was alleged to have stripped Rabbitohs five-eighth John Sutton of the ball however Finch said Daniel Mortimer was quite blatantly the player guilty of the strip.
"What I'm not happy with is the fact that quite clearly they got the wrong player," Finch said.
"I'm very disappointed they put the wrong bloke in the bin. That's not acceptable.
"I'm not happy with that at all, they shouldn't be doing that."
He said a decision on whether Cummins will be dropped for round seven will be made on Tuesday.
After 17 penalties, referees Cummins and Gerard Sutton warned both captains, they were prepared to resort to the sin bin if either side continued with their indiscretions.
Although he wasn't pleased with the wrong player being binned, he supported the referees' decision to begin sending players off the field for repeated infringements.
"Both captains were spoken to on a number of occasions about the number of penalties and the response from their team was to keep breaching," he said.
"The referees are not going to keep going down the path (of awarding penalties).
"We will not walk away from the fact that sides who repeatedly infringe over the 80 minutes after they were spoken to will get sin-binned."
Finch said when players are warned, referees expect them to respond by "knuckling down, not breaching immediately after that".
Shortly after Cayless was sin binned, Cummins sent Rabbitohs centre Beau Champion for a 10 minute stint off the field over a high tackle on Jarryd Hayne.
Finch said the penalty was warranted as Hayne had been hit in the head and Champion was binned, like Cayless, for his side's repeated penalties.
He did admit he was not happy with how that sin binning was also handled by the referees.
"I didn't like the way they went about it, it took for too long," he said.



Can't be as bad as Beau Champion being binned for a tackle around the chest of Hayne. Cayless' tackle on Issac Luke was worse and they didn't even blow for a penalty. Spastics.


It was a debacle. Finch and his excuses.

What is the idea behind binning players just because there have been too many penalties?

Should you even be binned for foul play (ie the high shot that wasn't) ?


So in Finch's mind the only thing wrong with Beau Champion being binned was that the refs took too long to actually give him 10?

He has to go.

Eels Dude

Pretty dissapointing.

This is a rare situation. Just about all players, coaching staff, and fans of both the Eels and Bunnies agree that the refereeing blunders didn't affect the outcome, but simply made it confusing for all fans and players and ultimately ruined the game as a spectacle. You rarely see fans from both clubs agreeing that a referee was rubbish not because they robbed a team of victory, but because it affected the enjoyment of the game in general.


First Grade
Pretty dissapointing.

This is a rare situation. Just about all players, coaching staff, and fans of both the Eels and Bunnies agree that the refereeing blunders didn't affect the outcome, but simply made it confusing for all fans and players and ultimately ruined the game as a spectacle. You rarely see fans from both clubs agreeing that a referee was rubbish not because they robbed a team of victory, but because it affected the enjoyment of the game in general.

As true as that is, the agreement on calls for Finch's sacking seems to be universal in terms of all fans.

Hell, even Rothfield and Gould are in unison on this one.

Finch MUST be sacked.
Typical "Smokescreen" Finch - everytime there is criticism of refs, he tries to complicate the issue, by bringing in another factor to confuse everyone, and thereby protect his own arse.

Off the top of my head, I can give three examples (all Eels games, because they are the ones I watch and remember):

1) Strip Penalty called on Moi Moi in Grand Final - talked some crap about how two other penalites could have been blown (one on Lowrie I think?), even if the one blown was wrong, which he said wasn't anyway.

2) Forward pass try Eels against Manly earlier this year - yep was forward, but again went back to one (maybe two) earlier decisions that could have gone Parra's way

3) The one "On Topic" here - focusing on "binning the wrong bloke" instead of the fact that two ludicrous instances of sin bin usage ever seen were employed - one off a strip, the other off a "high" tackle which wasn't even high

Instead of these factor multiplications, and parallel universe scenarios he pulls out from under his wrinkly and sweaty ball bag, he should just comment on the merit of each individual issue as it is, and deal with the referee in question accordingly.

His credibility is beyond redemption, with all this double-talk crap talk, and dodging of the real relevant issue, he does.


This bloke Finch is the reason refereeing decisions have become a lottery.

This article quoting his out of touch comments should end his pay packet coming from our game.
So by going off the last sentence in that excuse riddled statement, flinch is saying that the sin bin should happen more quickly than it did :roll:

I dont care in what way someone construes that, its just plain ridiculous and further explains the untenable position this unprofessional is in.

Dead man walking.

Eels Dude

As true as that is, the agreement on calls for Finch's sacking seems to be universal in terms of all fans.

Hell, even Rothfield and Gould are in unison on this one.

Finch MUST be sacked.

Completely agree. I just meant it's a rare occasion when opposing fans agree the ref lost the plot.


First Grade
The lack of respect shown by Suttor in his attitudes towards players obviously is not a problem either according to Finch.

He defends his reffs to the hilt unless there is something as blatant as binning the wrong man or a pass 6m forward not called.

I understand supporting your staff but the way he handles the process has merely compounded years of crap decisions without consequences into the reff standards we have today


First Grade
At that point in the game, by sending Cayless to the sin bin instead of Mortimer, it actually helped Parramatta....


Incompetent fool. Cummins should not be dropped for a round. He should have been sacked permanently 2 years ago.


Finch should've been sacked long ago, seriously he has to be on rugby union's payroll the way he's destroying the game

1 Eyed TEZZA

At that point in the game, by sending Cayless to the sin bin instead of Mortimer, it actually helped Parramatta....

Perhaps, id did give a forward of ours a rest I suppose, but im sure we of rathered 13 players on the field, not 12.


Staff member
I cant believe he supported played being binned for that. No wonder the refs are hopeless, look who's advising them.

Mr Saab

I guess from now on you can be binned for a high tackle (even though it was a around that soft c**ks chest)


More bullsh*t! ](*,)

Referees boss unapologetic about tough stance on using sin bin to keep order
April 20, 2010

Defiant NRL referees boss Robert Finch has ordered his referees to keep sending players to the sin bin because he believes law and order needs to be restored on the field.

After a weekend of further whistle-blowing controversy, the NRL referees boss yesterday told The Daily Telegraph he would instruct the men in the middle to continue using the sin bin to deter rule breakers.

"Referees will not continue to penalise players. They will talk to the captains to sort their teams out and if they don't . . . the sin bin will be used," Finch said.

"If we continue to get 17 or so penalties and captains don't respond, then there will be more sin-binnings."

Although the penalty count has not risen this year compared to last, the use of the sin bin has doubled, with South Sydney Rabbitohs try-scoring machine Beau Champion becoming the season's eighth victim when he was marched during Sunday's loss to the Eels.

As players, fans and commentators expressed their utter despair at the standard of refereeing this season, a frustrated Champion slammed the spate of sin-binnings as "ridiculous".

Champion was ejected from the game in the 64th minute for a dubious high shot, minutes after Parramatta Eels captain Nathan Cayless was wrongly sin-binned for stripping in a tackle.

"Honestly, I think it was ridiculous," Champion said.

"The sin bin is usually for a professional foul and I didn't think what I did was. For someone to be sin-binned because the team is giving away penalties is very harsh. It was my first offence in the game."

But Finch stood by his referees as they took heavy fire yesterday, adamant their decisions were justified after Nathan Hindmarsh and Luke Stuart were warned about repeated infringements.

However, he admitted referees Ben Cummings and Gerard Sutton got it wrong by ordering Cayless off for a strip when, in fact, halfback Daniel Mortimer was the culprit.

"Both captains were spoken to on a number of occasions," Finch said.

"We had 21 penalties in that game, which is a massive amount.

"(The referees) spoke to Hindmarsh in the 21st minute, Stuart in the first half and then also in the 57th minute, and they spoke to both of them in the 61st minute after there had been 17 penalties. He told them that it wasn't on and from there it is up to them.

"Two minutes after he spoke to them there was a strip, so he used the sin bin for repeated infringements. I admit Daniel Mortimer should have been the one in the sin bin, not Cayless. Then in the 64th we have high contact by Champion, which was also a repeated infringement."

But Champion argued warnings to the team captain do not always reach players during a high-pressure, fast-paced game. "How is the captain supposed to walk over and tell everyone on the field?" Champion said. 'The game is going so fast already and you can't stop it to tell all the players on the field.

"I hadn't heard anything. But even if you are told, you could give away a penalty because of fatigue or an accidental offside. Does that mean you are in the bin? No one means to give a penalty away."

After wrongly losing his captain on Sunday, Eels CEO Paul Osborne urged referees to use greater discretion when using the sin bin.

"The quality of refereeing has dropped remarkably," Osborne said.

"I think sin-binning blokes at the end of the game is ridiculous because they run the risk of getting it wrong, as they did Sunday."


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