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The Mad Butcher is 80

Big Marn


Sir Peter Leitch is taking a back seat from public life but says he is still a Mad Warriors fan.

Commonly known as The Mad Butcher or Butch, Sir Peter and his wife Lady Janice have moved from their home on Waiheke Island to a retirement village in Auckland.

The first knight of New Zealand Rugby League says his memory is starting to fail him, although his tongue and wit are still sharp as a tack. He’s unsure how long he’s been at the village.

“I’m not sure how long but It’s been a while,” Sir Peter told the Herald.

At 80 years of age, Sir Peter - one of New Zealand’s most-loved Kiwis - is taking it one day at a time. The coarse language - especially when he had the microphone and was roasting fans and players in the Mad Butcher’s Lounge at Mt Smart Stadium, has “almost” gone, but not his zest for people or for life.

He loves the retirement village lifestyle, but says Waiheke is his “happy place” and has kept his residence there.

Facebook posts from Waiheke would feature Sir Peter feeding the seagulls on the beach in front of his home or pictures of what Lady Janice had made him breakfast, lunch or dinner - or all three.

“I’m 80 mate,” Sir Peter says in his trademark way. “And look, my memory is not that good these days. It’s one of the disadvantages of getting old, in my case anyhow.

“My health is okay, but my memory is not so good.

“I have slowed down a bit. I’m not 21 anymore. I’m enjoying life and I think one of the key things is you’ve got to accept old age.

“You can’t think you’re 21 and go out partying at night, staying up till 4am and getting up at 7am to go to work. You’ve got to accept that you’re getting old.”

Sir Peter says he’s happy to retire gracefully and that forgetting things, such as what he had for dinner yesterday or where he’s going this weekend, is part of accepting that process.

Mind you, he still remembers the $20 I borrowed off him at a busy Sydney bar when we met at the NRL finals in 1997. He also forgets I paid it back.

“Some things you never forget,” Sir Peter laughs.

Born in Wellington in 1944, Sir Peter left school aged 15, on account of his dyslexia - which wasn’t diagnosed until later in life. He worked as a paper boy and then a butcher’s apprentice. At the age of 16 he moved to Auckland to make his mark.

He opened his first butcher store in Māngere East, and became a major sponsor of the Mangere East Rugby Club, which he still has a strong association with.

A friend suggested he needed a marketing gimmick for his radio advertising. Sir Peter recalled someone once called him “that f****** mad butcher” and that has basically stuck with him for life.

“One of the smartest things I did was called myself the Mad Butcher. People used to say, ‘Who’s this idiot calling themselves the Mad Butcher?’”

“The f****** was dropped but the Mad Butcher was born and that was the greatest thing,” Sir Peter says.

At its peak, the Mad Butcher chain had 36 stores and spanned from Whangārei to Dunedin.

“Not bad for a guy who couldn’t read or write,” Sir Peter says, as he points to a framed certificate from his induction to the New Zealand Business Hall of Fame.

“Get that, a kid who couldn’t read or write getting inducted into the Business Hall of Fame.

“I’m not the brightest guy in the class and to survive in the business world was incredible.

“My dad was a fitter and turner, but I had no business background. I still don’t know the times tables, and I’m not joking.”

In the 1991 he was awarded the Queen’s Service Medal for community service and in the 2010 Queen’s Birthday Honours, he was appointed a Knight Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to business and philanthropy.

His charity work has been inspiring. He is always first to give and support of a number of charities.

“I always believed in giving back,” Sir Peter says.

He says he accepted the knighthood on behalf of the workers of New Zealand.

“I was a working-class boy and accepted the knighthood for all hard-working New Zealanders to show you can make a go of things.

“And I think at the time I said I accept this on behalf of all the people that have supported me and made me who I am, if my memory serves me right.”

He’s met some fabulous people in his lifetime - and a few his memory helps him forget.

“I haven’t met many a***holes to be fair, I’ve met more lovely people,” Sir Peter says.

“I’ve been blessed to have met people like you and wonderful people like [former Best Bets/Friday Flash racing editors] Bob Lovett, Mike Brown and we’ve had some good times. But we could never do now what we did back then. Everything is too PC now.”

Rugby league and the Warriors have always been a big part of Sir Peter’s life. He talks with Warriors coach Andrew Webster most weeks, win or lose. “No comment on last week.”

His rugby league highlight came when he was manager of the New Zealand Kiwis team that beat Australia 24-0 in 2005. A picture of those celebrations hangs in pride of place in his man cave. That same picture was also in the lift at the retirement village.

“That brings back great memories,” he says.

But the best thing he ever did was meet and then marry his wife Janice. The couple’s children and grandchildren - except one who lives in Switzerland - are in Auckland.

“And we’re lucky we’ve had a great life together,” he says.

Sir Peter is still quite active on Facebook and replies to the many hundreds of people who contact him.

His man cave at the retirement village has Warriors, All Blacks and signed Kiwis jerseys along with a lot of other sports memorabilia.

As for what’s ahead for Sir Peter: “I’ll just take each day as it comes because at my age, 80, you don’t know what’s around the corner and we just got to take care of each other.”


He’s a few months older than my mum, her memory’s pretty shot too. Glad he’s enjoying a happy retirement in spite of it.


He’s a few months older than my mum, her memory’s pretty shot too. Glad he’s enjoying a happy retirement in spite of it.
I wish my mum and dad, 82 and 84, wouldn't be so sharp when it comes to parts of my, occasionally, miscreant youth. But, fmd, they are.


A great icon of not only Kiwi RL but NZ in general.
Used to ring me up here in Aussie a few times thanking me for the Fan in the Stand stuff i used to do and asked if he could put it in his newsletter!
He interviewed me once at Belmore. I'll try and find the video and post it here. It was during those great days we had following the 2017 NSW Cup team.

He couldn't believe a Warriors fan would travel all the way from Katoomba to see our reserve grade play. But I told him there's no place I'd rather be.

Penrose Warrior

First Grade
One of the greatest New Zealanders of all time
Great call, this is right on the money.

Sounds like we all have our own Butcher story. I do, too. As a young media reporter, I had a couple of interactions. It's insane how good a person he is, how much time he has for people. Even to this day, he replies to most people on social media and does it in an incredibly positive way. He's such a relentlessly positive person, infectious to be around. Imagine being in a rest home with him! That would be a hoot for your final years.

I interviewed him at his house just after the 05 Tri Nations win, what a thrill. And also used to ring him at 6.30am every Monday, as part of his Vodafone Mad Butcher column. Absolutely hilarious, and looking back not at all PC. I'd ring him, he'd not even say hi, just launch into his passionate spiel, yelling and barking about the latest game and the special at the butchery, then once he was done, he'd slow completely down and say 'how are you mate, thanks for ringing me, all the best' and off he'd go for another week.

I also made the mistake once of misusing his number, on the piss with a few mates we rung him late and got absolutely strips torn off us. Then he sent a text message through that I never had the stones to read haha. I knew I'd f**ked up
He interviewed me once at Belmore. I'll try and find the video and post it here. It was during those great days we had following the 2017 NSW Cup team.

He couldn't believe a Warriors fan would travel all the way from Katoomba to see our reserve grade play. But I told him there's no place I'd rather be.
Those couple of years following the reserve grade side were the best


First Grade
I've always wondered what Sir Butch and / or the Warriors would think of having a Mad Butcher mascot at home games. I reckon it'd be another cool way to keep his link with the club for as long as possible. He'd have to wear a butchers apron along with his Warriors #19 jersey.

I'm picturing a caricature sort of thing, something a bit crazy (or mad I suppose), something that waves meat around at opportune times. Opposition lining up a goal kick? Taunt him with a lamb shank. Winger fumbles a catch? Wave chicken wings at him. Warriors score a try? Throw meat pies into the air! (Obviously this "meat" is all just props)

Hopefully Sir Butch would see this as a good thing and not a piss-take. Maybe I'll suggest it to the club one day.


I wish my mum and dad, 82 and 84, wouldn't be so sharp when it comes to parts of my, occasionally, miscreant youth. But, fmd, they are.
Haha see that’s the part of their memories that doesn’t go. Mum’s still fine remembering things from 40 years ago. Can’t remember something you told her 10 minutes ago though. It’s like when people reach a certain age their memory is full and can’t fit any new information into it.

Shaun Hewitt

First Grade
My ex bought me his book, and got it signed. I'll always keep it.

I've only met him once, a random meeting at the museum. We were both leaving and we briefly spoke. I was most impressed with him, very down to earth and seemed genuinely happy to take the time to chat. Might have helped that I happened to be wearing my Warriors jersey at the time lol

Oddly, the only other well known NZer that I've had a random encounter was John Key (this was just a few months ago). Without going into politics, it was a random encounter at Auckland Airport, we ended up in the same queue where they scan your bags before going into the duty free area. I was there just waiting for my bag to come through the carousel, and he come up next to me. Without hesitation I just said hello and we had a nice wee chat as we waited. Another I was up most impressed with

Beavers Headgear

First Grade
Was a group of us heading to an away game in Sydney about 10-12 years ago. We are walking down the street and out of nowhere we hear “Go the mighty Warriors” and the Butcher was hanging out a car window bellowing it out

Inside the ground he found us and came up for a chat, he is having a yarn to my Warriors mates then spotted my Manly cap and said “who the f is this prick” and then picked as many holes in me as he could haha


My ex bought me his book, and got it signed. I'll always keep it.

I've only met him once, a random meeting at the museum. We were both leaving and we briefly spoke. I was most impressed with him, very down to earth and seemed genuinely happy to take the time to chat. Might have helped that I happened to be wearing my Warriors jersey at the time lol

Oddly, the only other well known NZer that I've had a random encounter was John Key (this was just a few months ago). Without going into politics, it was a random encounter at Auckland Airport, we ended up in the same queue where they scan your bags before going into the duty free area. I was there just waiting for my bag to come through the carousel, and he come up next to me. Without hesitation I just said hello and we had a nice wee chat as we waited. Another I was up most impressed with
Impressive from both of them tbh… often meeting high profile people is underwhelming, Butch and John Key are exactly how you’d hope, unlike many others
Sir Peter says he’s happy to retire gracefully and that forgetting things, such as what he had for dinner yesterday or where he’s going this weekend, is part of accepting that process
Shit, I often don't remember what I had for dinner a couple of hours later!
I'm screwed.

Was thinking about a Butch last weekend after our cricket score from the Titans and wondered where he was.

Thanks for the update.

Manu Vatuvei

I saw The Butch at the Dolphins game a few weeks ago, with George Burgess (I think I mentioned previously that Georgey was ripping into the beers and got pretty pissed by the end of the game).

Without meaning to detract from the legitimacy of his health issues as detailed in the article, Butch looked the same as ever and is obviously still out and about living his life.


Without meaning to detract from the legitimacy of his health issues as detailed in the article, Butch looked the same as ever and is obviously still out and about living his life.
Well he pretty much said as much in the article, that his health is fine but his memory is a bit shot these days. Pretty good way to be I reckon, just gives him a get out of jail free card to conveniently forget stuff 😂


At some point I’d love to see us do a testimonial game for him with a special jersey. Standard warriors blue and white but with vertical butchers apron stripes, and change the club name/badge to The Butchers for the day.
shame the lower grade sides don’t use separate names any more, having the Auckland Butchers as our NSW club team would be awesome.