Sweet, savoury Jesus, give Dureau a break!
The reason he kicked it on their first is because he knew the opposition would not expect it. Which is one of the factors enabling Jimmy to catch it cleanly. The thing about Dureau is that he's no where near his peak, unlike Mr Finchy, and will inevitiably make mistakes or 'tactical errors'.
So Karma please don't bag him for doing it this time, bag him if he does not learn from his experience and repeats his error. I'm sensing you haven't played the game in awhile and have evolved into an armchair critic with a perfectionist benchmark. Oh unless the players are in your 'favourites; category'. But that's cool mate, it's only cause your human, like Dureau..
"i'm certainly not going to judge a bloke on the perception and slant of him via the media?"- Karma
Tug Tug Karma, please don't blame the media or assert that:
No court conviction= Nothing happened.
I'll give you another fact, there has not been one rape conviction by a nrl footballer in the codes history.
Clearly by creating this alternative reality you aim to sleep better at night as to rest comfortably in your armchair to watch him play the following day. I see what you mean though. The cut on Bird's Bird's forehead was caused by Bird's reaction to Dureau's skilfully mature game against the Sharks causing Bird to throw his wine glass in the air, out of pure dissapointment of course, with no intent but in fact causing, a gash in the poor girls defencless face. Don't get me started on his attempt to blame his good friend. Pathetic C*** mate. And i use the C-Word sparingly my friend.
Bird is toxic and would infect the club and its players.
You know alot about Footy Karma; more than me. But i'm afraid in the posts i've seen from you in the last couple of months since i've joined this wonderful forum: i sense a deep lack of common sense reinforced by an impressive football brain.
Grow up....actually scratch that, just get off out of your armchair and leave the kids alone. Your contribution is being wasted.
-Stuart Henry