And, in my opinion, this will be the biggest hurdle - getting people to give up their seats.
tell me to buzz off if im butting in... but in my experience this is exactly the problem you will have.
we (the Crusade) have been going since 2005 and are about 80 strong member wise (of our incorporated association) but only about 40 sit with us at games - because no one will give up their precious view to come and sit in a "worse" position.
we are in an end bay, up the back. it isn't a bad view and the atmosphere is far better than the rest of the stadium (which can resemble a morgue at times), but even though we have our own ticket category people still find it a pain to get tickets with us - at the end of the day most people are incredibly lazy and won't do anything that takes other than minimal effort, no matter how much they agree with the idea.
We will be looking to move once our stadium is complete (or at least more complete) - hopefully to a seated GA section (there are none at present). The supporters groups that seem to have the best numbers (Dragons/Bulldogs/Souths) are in GA sections. Must be something to that...? Hopefully it will give us a kick if/when it happens. A winning team certainly wouldnt hurt either...
hope you can get it off the ground. you certainly have a team worth getting excited about, and by the sounds of it a supportive CEO, so the time is now.
if anyone wants to compare notes just pm me or add me on msn. good luck!