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Sonny Fai Wristband Appeal

Big Mick

Hey guys,

As you may or may not be aware, myself and Jebass have created a pile of wristbands to honour the late Sonny Fai. These were on sale at the gates last weekend at Mt Smart and via the net.

I've basically put my own money up to fund the wristbands, and Jebass (Dave) has been outstanding in coming up with idea as well as both of us pouring hours and hours of work into the cause.

Now in the grand scheme of things this isn't a fundraiser which will raise 100,000 or anything like that...but its a way the fans of Rugby League can honour the life of a fallen player and also a way that fan's can show that they can make a difference.

We still have around 5,000 wristbands remaining to be sold after the weekend. I am hoping to get across to some grounds this weekend and potentially sell them as well, however, if anyone on the forums would like to purchase a wristband, could you please e-mail myself or Dave at faiwristband@gmail.com and we will get back to you and send out to you as soon as possible.

The proceeds of these bands will go to Sonny's family and significantly help younger brother Gillesbie who is doing it extremely tough at the moment. But your purchase will represent so much more than money. Your purchase will go towards honouring a fallen player and a unified showing that the fan's in our game can make a difference to someone's life.

So if you'd like to get behind us...please post and also please e-mail us at faiwristband@gmail.com in order to get a wristband...no matter where you are :D

Cost per wristband:
$4 AUD
$5 NZD

Thanks to everyone for your support, and I really appreciate the entire fan community for getting behind this...its been so heartening to see what response there has been so far!

Disclaimer: I realise that this may not be everyone's cup of tea and I understand that. But for those that want to just post in here to criticize or just simply don't believe we are doing a good thing, i'd really appreciate you to keep negative comments out of the thread if possible. Thank you.

Big Mick

Photo's of the Wirstbands:




What the words mean:

[FONT=&quot]Front of wristband:[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Humility. Courage. Sacrifice. Three words that sum up Sonny Fai. A wise man once said: "Greater love has no man than he who gives up his life for his friends". Sonny Fai exhibited this love. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Back of wristband:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] His motto for life, "Don't give up", encourages us to remain hopeful, particularly in these current times, and gives us hope our dreams can come true if we work hard enough. [/FONT]
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They're some mighty fine looking red boxes there Big Mick.

Seriously, what you guys are doing is a really good thing, and I congratulate you sincerely on having the idea and the balls to do this.


:clap: WOW, they look great. They really stand out with that 'fiery' colour.:thumn

Three cheers Dutchy for getting the pics up.:alcho::alcho::alcho:

Big Mick

The colours are interesting now you mention it Didgi. The orange and yellow design of the bands reflects a number of things, including Sonny's name, his love for bright colours, and the reassurance that after every sunset, a sunrise eventually follows. It gives us hope that the darkness of the night will pass and a new beginning will arise.


Post Whore
well done mate
fantastic work, you and jebass should be commended. If you're out at shark park ill definitely get one, and im sure i could convince some of the RA faithful to dig deep for the cause

Big Mick

well done mate
fantastic work, you and jebass should be commended. If you're out at shark park ill definitely get one, and im sure i could convince some of the RA faithful to dig deep for the cause

Hey mate.

Thanks heaps for that :D

I'm hoping to do the round trip this weekend...with the permission of the NRL. Mario is trying to hook me up which is great :D

Friday: Parra vs St.George
Saturday: Cronulla vs Raiders - only 10 minutes from home hahaha
Sunday: Manly vs Tigers - Wanted to go to Newcastle vs Warriors...but whether the number of bands i'd sell vs the 3 hour drive...dunno
Monday: Bulldogs vs Rabbits

If I can go to each one i'd be stoked.

I have 1,500 around abouts left here....and Dave has around 4,500...so if I could get about 1,500-2,000 of his and go to all those games and set up other initiatives to sell them...i'd be so ridiculously happy...because at the end of the day myself and David just want to sell the remaining wristbands to generate as much for the family as possible..if that means me travelling 600 km in a weekend...then that's fine haha.


Nick, scratch that last post. I've bypassed you and gone straight to the source.......:D:D


Staff member
I'd buy one but probably have troubles about doing so... I have a lot on the mind at the moment but will be happy to talk to you later about it one time :)