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souths in 2012

1. Dont buy - Matt orford too old and too slow.

2. Dont buy - Craig gower too old and too slow.

3. Dont buy - Brett finch too old and too slow.

4. Buy - craig wing position - 5/8.

5. Buy - thomas leuluai position - half back.

6. Move john sutton to lock.

7. This is all that souths need ( TO DO IN 2012 ) we have enough forwards, centres, and backs we have these outstanding juniors now coming through at present that should be blooded into 1st grade more permanently next year such as - james roberts, kane morgan, adam reynolds, beau falloon, blake judd, malcom webster, josh mansour, tyrone phillips, matt mundine and george burgess..............

7. We only need to buy the experienced craig wing and the very talented thomas leuluai for next year once we off load a few players next year the above should fulfil the positional spots in 1st grade required. (use our very talented juniors that we have it's as simple as that or we may lose some very talented juniors in the near future?)

one-eyed rabbitoh.

Big Sam

First Grade
May I remind you we've only played a third of this season. A thread on 2012 is stupid. So too is your suggestion of Wing/Leuluai in the halves. Any playermaker that comes back from SL is too slow (Barrett, Orford etc) and I don't think 2 years playing rugby in Japan will have kept Wing sharp.
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Jimmy Smooth

Leuleuai would be good. Both Isaac and Heremia would be more realistic. We also then have the option of using H as a utility (half/hooker/5-8th) in case someone gets injured/form slump (ahem J.Sutton)


Uh we do need forwards, ours are injury prone and Luke Stuart and Geddes are retiring next year

Brett Finch is also younger than Craig Wing, so I don't know where you get off saying he is too old and too slow
The wing/leuluai 5/8 and half back combination would be a good mix but i doubt this would ever happen,wing has given leuluai some confidential tips before on playing at 5/8 in the past.

Finch even at 29yrs old plays slower than wing at 31yrs old, for me finch is too old and slow where wing still plays years younger with more speed and ability than finch will ever have in the past or at present.

My thread for 2012 is open minded not stupid, stupidness is someone who does not look into the future for their team.

At present we have:

1. 5 forwards are sidelined some are season ending.

2. Kane morgan and adam reynolds are both season ending.

3. Sandow is gone i cant see it helping our cause.

4. Just before the sharks game in round 7 we were sitting on 15th spot who would have thought that?.

5. And lastly can you hear the alarm bell's ringing big sam? i do. whether it's in life or in business or in football as football is now a business, we must always look towards the future whether we are at the top of the table or at the bottom of the table he who has tunnel vision is lost always look towards the future the future is all we have.

Ike E Bear

Fullback - Roberts, Merritt (back up)
Wingers - Merritt, McQueen, Morgan, Talanoa
Centres - Inglis, Farrell, Corrigan (back up) - NEED ONE (fringe first grader would be fine)
5/8 - Sutton, Inglis, Farrell - NEED ONE (preferably quality, otherwise move Inglis and target a quality centre)
Half - Reynolds (back up), Webster (back up) - NEED ONE (highest quality possible)
Hooker - Luke, Peats, Clark (back up), Falloon (back up)
Lock - Sutton, Lowe (has he re-signed), Clark (back up), Peats (back up)
Second Row - S Burgess, Taylor, Crocker, Pettybourne, Tyrrell, McPherson
Props - Asotasi, Ross, S Burgess, G Burgess (back up) - NEED TWO (one highest quality possible with one of at least bench quality)

That's a big shopping list -
1 x Fringe First Grade Centre
1 x Top Quality 5/8 or Centre
1 x Top Quality Half
1 x Top Quality Prop
1 x Fringe First Grade Prop

It may be absolutely necessary to move Inglis to 5/8 and S Burgess to prop for the balance of the squad.

1. Roberts
2. Merritt
3. ????
4. Farrell
5. McQueen
6. Inglis
7. ????
8. S Burgess
9. Luke
10. Asotasi
11. Crocker
12. Taylor
13. Sutton

14. Peats
15. Ross
16. ????
17. Pettybourne

18. McPherson/Tyrrell


we have mansour as backup centre.

we really need a good 5/8 with x factor as reynolds appears to be an organiser. For me Karmichael Hunt would be perfect as he has x factor and will have the best kicking game in the NRL by a country mile if he ever came back...

We need front rowers to replace stuart and geddes, so i would sugest we get someone like Martin Tapau from the dogs and another guy that is being held back by those in front of them...


Inglis has to stay in the centres, hes not a 5/8.

Tom Leuluai dosent sound like a bad idea, and Brett Finch in the 6, Sutton to Lock ? Beau Champion back to souths ? pretty obvious Stuart will retire. I love him but, I cant see him going around again after that many injuries in a row. lol. Souths needa say goodbye to Wesser and Talanoa.

1. James Roberts
2. Nathan Merritt
3. Dylan Farrell
4. Greg Inglis
5. Josh Mansour
6. Brett Finch
7. Tom Leuluai
8. Ben Ross
9. Issac Luke
10. Roy Asotasi (c)
11. Sam Burgess
12. Dave Taylor
13. John Sutton

14. Jason Clark/ Nathan Peats
15. Michael Crocker/ Shannon McPherson
16. Eddy Pettybourne/ Ben Lowe
17. Dave Tyrell/ Chris McQueen

Coach: Michael McGuire
Assistant Coach: Matty Johns.

Ike E Bear

Inglis has to stay in the centres, hes not a 5/8.

Tom Leuluai dosent sound like a bad idea, and Brett Finch in the 6, Sutton to Lock ? Beau Champion back to souths ? pretty obvious Stuart will retire. I love him but, I cant see him going around again after that many injuries in a row. lol. Souths needa say goodbye to Wesser and Talanoa.

1. James Roberts
2. Nathan Merritt
3. Dylan Farrell
4. Greg Inglis
5. Josh Mansour
6. Brett Finch
7. Tom Leuluai
8. Ben Ross
9. Issac Luke
10. Roy Asotasi (c)
11. Sam Burgess
12. Dave Taylor
13. John Sutton

14. Jason Clark/ Nathan Peats
15. Michael Crocker/ Shannon McPherson
16. Eddy Pettybourne/ Ben Lowe
17. Dave Tyrell/ Chris McQueen

Coach: Michael McGuire
Assistant Coach: Matty Johns.

No recognised props on the bench or in the pipeline in the event of injury?

Even if McPherson is now counted as a specialist prop ... that bench would get Souths murdered on a weekly basis. Sorry.

The Sandow defection (while good - I hope - for my Eels) has made the Bunnies desperate in three positions that are all very hard to recruit for while relying on a second year rookie in another (fullback).

It's a horrible situation to be in ... and one I've gotten pretty used to in recent years as an Eels supporter. :(


We need a focus on some GOOD young props, I should say BEST of the YOUNG ONES , who will be ready to play NRL in 2012. Scour the Toyota cup for BEST of Best Big young ones and pay to recruit them , we can get 2 for price of one experienced over the hill prop.
Lets remember Geddes best season , was his first with Souths , when he was young and fresh . If we do not have any from last years Toyota cup , who are all playing for Norths now , then caste the net wider and smarter. They are OUT THERE.


Agreed. The recruitment team would be crazy to not try get some more front rowers to the club.

Get Leuluai and some young props and we will be fine.


We were linked to Darius today. Anyone have some inside info on this or is it just a media beat up?


Darius would be great , however i think no chance . If he does not want to join Bennett in Newcastle expect him to stay at St G , his prior loyalty to Bennett would suggest he would be more inclined to stay with current team versus moving to a complete new team without bennett.

Ike E Bear

Zero chance. I agree with GF - he'll go to Newcastle or stay with St George. The only other possibility is Brisbane.

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