Just finished off season 1... Wow, what a shitshow.
The positives - There were a handful of decent episodes, namely Datalore, Conspiracy and The Neutral Zone. The latter episode was supposed to be a two parter introducing both the Romulans and the Borg. Thankfully the writers guild strike at the time caused the Borg story to be dropped, which is a good thing because conceptually they weren't in the right place. The Borg were originally thought of as an insectoid race which, given the quality of prosthetic makeup at the time, would have been disastrous. Troi was more bearable than I remembered her being, as was Dr Crusher. It did get better as the season progressed.
The negatives - Holy shit... Where to start? Everything about this show looked cheap and tacky, even for 1987. The sets, the uniforms, the props, everything. Every episode was basically the same - crew encounters some weirdos in a ship/on a planet and lameness ensues. What really caught my eye was how many old fossils (60+ years) were dug up to play bit parts. Most of the main crew were just awful and the overacting worse than Shatner. There's no excuse for Wesley Crusher. None. I could see why Denise Crosby wanted off the show, but what a f**king lame way to kill off a main character. Some of the camera work was shoddy as f**k, particularly some tracking shots where the camera is shaking from side to side, and there was one visual effect shot of the Enterprise flying past the planet of the week that was so poorly framed (half the saucer section is cut off for the whole shot) it's amazing it got used more than once. Q is f**king garbage. I never understood the popularity of the character.