What the f**k did I just watch?
Honestly, assuming they were going down the Lore path was just giving the writers too much credit. I thought surely they wouldn't be stupid enough to do a Sybok Soong, but nope, they are.
The dumbest part of this episode was the pivotal moment where Sybok Soong recalls Saga's memories and finds Sutra was the one who jabbed her in the eye. If he doesn't see that, then he doesn't turn against Sutra and he doesn't help Picard and friends. Why the f**k did Sutra have to stab Saga in the eye? Like, really, WHY? Narek could have sorted her out easily enough, He could have just kicked her head clean off. But no, Sutra has to stab her in the eye for Sybok Soong to then later find in her memories.
There was other nonsense, like Picard's plan against the Romulans. What was it? Picard just pilots the ship and goes up there only to have no idea whatsoever what he was supposed to do, only for Jurati to pull out the magic does anything device. Yep, that's right, the magic does anything device. Are we for f**king real here?
Timbo, your big tip turned out to be right, but geez, what a f**king waste. There was an opportunity here to build a compelling multi-season arc and they just flushed it down the shitter.
Seven and Raffi holding hands at the end? You know what that reminded me of? The lesbian kiss at the end of The Rise of Skywalker. Just thrown in there without any buildup whatsoever between those two characters.
On a scale of your typical CW show to The Wire, this is your typical CW show.