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Star Wars The Last Jedi *** SPOILERS ***

Caped Crusader

What irked me was the demonstration of his abilities and thus justification of his position as supreme leader occurred in the same scene as his death. I didn't want a Palpatine like back story but I would have liked him fleshed out a little more. TFA had a lot of us theorising like crazy over who Snoke and Rey were but I was satisfied enough with the (current) answer for Rey. Snoke's role in the story on the other hand just feels like a disappointment.
Well if you think about it, we got the same thing with Palpatine in the 1st trilogy

We dont see him until Empire and even then its only a hologram

When we finally do see him show his power in the force, him skull f**king Luke with his force lightning, he gets blind sided by Vader and thrown into the pit.

The roles are almost paralleled really, aside from their deaths coming at different points in their respective trilogies
One of the big gripes I'm reading again and again is the bombs dropping in the vacuum of space.

They say
It's just not believable.

However, they can suspend belief for the Force, lightsabers, astral projection and a walking talking carpet though.
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Well if you think about it, we got the same thing with Palpatine in the 1st trilogy

We dont see him until Empire and even then its only a hologram

When we finally do see him show his power in the force, him skull f**king Luke with his force lightning, he gets blind sided by Vader and thrown into the pit.

The roles are almost paralleled really, aside from their deaths coming at different points in their respective trilogies

So much of the original trilogy is strengthened by the expanded universe and lore around it that has been developed in the 30 years since - eg. Palpatine, who was essentially just OLD EVIL GUY by the end of ROTJ, but now has a rich backstory.
Also some of it has been weakened, like arguably Darth Vader's character as a result of some poor writing in the prequels.

A movie like this can't answer every possible question one might have about the universe. Undoubtedly it will spawn its own extended universe, including Snoke's backstory. Who was he before, what's he been doing for 100 years, why did he only appear after the fall of Palpatine and Vader?
There will be more books, movies, games and tie-ins to piece it all together. Cynically you might think it's a shameless cash grab but almost everyone here will shamelessly devour more Star Wars stories so can't complain too much.

One of the big gripes I'm reading again and again is the bombs dropping in the vacuum of space.

It's just not believable.

However, can suspend belief for the Force, lightsabers, astral projection and a walking talking carpet though.

I know you're being mostly sarcastic, but anyway...

Star Wars has never really been a sci-fi in that the tech and 'magic' systems have no real scientific basis. It's as much a fantasy series as Harry Potter is, just set in space. Very much make it up as they go and don't delve into the details. This works for Star Wars - attempting to retcon a scientific framework around the force (remember midichlorians?) only detracted from it rather than strengthened it. Some things are better left mysterious, including how bombs fall in space. If you dig into the science of their space battles very deeply pretty soon none of it makes much sense.
So much of the original trilogy is strengthened by the expanded universe and lore around it that has been developed in the 30 years since - eg. Palpatine, who was essentially just OLD EVIL GUY by the end of ROTJ, but now has a rich backstory.
Also some of it has been weakened, like arguably Darth Vader's character as a result of some poor writing in the prequels.

A movie like this can't answer every possible question one might have about the universe. Undoubtedly it will spawn its own extended universe, including Snoke's backstory. Who was he before, what's he been doing for 100 years, why did he only appear after the fall of Palpatine and Vader?
There will be more books, movies, games and tie-ins to piece it all together. Cynically you might think it's a shameless cash grab but almost everyone here will shamelessly devour more Star Wars stories so can't complain too much.

I know you're being mostly sarcastic, but anyway...

Star Wars has never really been a sci-fi in that the tech and 'magic' systems have no real scientific basis. It's as much a fantasy series as Harry Potter is, just set in space. Very much make it up as they go and don't delve into the details. This works for Star Wars - attempting to retcon a scientific framework around the force (remember midichlorians?) only detracted from it rather than strengthened it. Some things are better left mysterious, including how bombs fall in space. If you dig into the science of their space battles very deeply pretty soon none of it makes much sense.

I didn't post well. It's edited .

I meant fans sooking not me.

I was more saddened some poor bombardier sacrificed herself. Along with the others.


First Grade
One of the big gripes I'm reading again and again is the bombs dropping in the vacuum of space.

They say
It's just not believable.

However, they can suspend belief for the Force, lightsabers, astral projection and a walking talking carpet though.
I’m no scienmatist but if you were to drop something in a normal gravity and (through the shield) it was straight into space, it would keep travelling in the same direction.
Bit of a Star Wars nerd, it was OK.

There was some really confounding things like Leia being blasted from the bridge of the cruiser only to whisk herself back with the Force (I know Star Wars in itself is far fetched, but that was beyond ridiculous IMO,) Snoke getting done in without any real insight into him, Phasma being wasted and Finn & Rose going on a pointless side adventure where they smash up a casino, pick up a codebreaker who wound up double crossing them and completely f**king their mission up. Hux quickly turned into a simpering little merkin when Snoke got taken out and Kylo took over.

There were a couple of positives though, I liked that Rey didn't turn out to be a cliche relation, the movie started off with a lot of promise (I quite liked when they took out the Dreadnought,) and Ren is becoming far more unstable, his rage and emotion should have been what we saw from Anakin in the prequel trilogy.

Oh, and Yoda was in muppet form not CG.

Lemon Squash

First Grade
Another thing I thought about today that pissed me off - why did Laura Derns character who was in the franchise for a total of about 5 minutes, whatever the f**k her name was, get to shine in one of the only half decent scenes in the whole movie?

Would have been better to sacrifice a character that actually meant something... that would of been a perfect ending for Leia or even freaking Admiral Akbar would of been better!


Another thing I thought about today that pissed me off - why did Laura Derns character who was in the franchise for a total of about 5 minutes, whatever the f**k her name was, get to shine in one of the only half decent scenes in the whole movie?

Would have been better to sacrifice a character that actually meant something... that would of been a perfect ending for Leia or even freaking Admiral Akbar would of been better!

The sacrifice was meaningless because we felt nothing for her


Another thing I thought about today that pissed me off - why did Laura Derns character who was in the franchise for a total of about 5 minutes, whatever the f**k her name was, get to shine in one of the only half decent scenes in the whole movie?

Would have been better to sacrifice a character that actually meant something... that would of been a perfect ending for Leia or even freaking Admiral Akbar would of been better!

Another missed opportunity, and the more I think about it there’s quite a lot of annoying little things like this that are starting to stick out.

They missed a trick with Chewie too, he was wasted. I would’ve liked it to be say Chewie, Poe and Finn in that Casino, especially since they already had some banter already going with Finn, even if BB-8 or R2 was there too.

Pull that group together and it should basically write itself, without having to have the distraction of the racehorse sub plot and more chasing


Staff member
Purple hair feminist woman was just there to give us a lecture on gendered office politics.

That's why you felt nothing for her.
Have you been getting lessons from sportive Cupid about how to be offended by meaningless subjects and make it all about you?
Saw it again last night with my missus, her first.

It was fantastic. She loved it too. In fact the fairly full audience at Livo vmax was cheering at the end.

That Luke Kylo showdown is awesome.

I might go again tomorrow. I feel like that kid with the Betamax ESB watching it every day after school and getting excited over and over again.

Can't wait for 9.