Good bump Dean. Lets see how our cheating 2012-15 teams have carried forward.
1. Robinson
2. Sio
3. Morgan
4. Tonga
5. Blair
6. Roberts
7. Sandow
8. Mossop
9. Kelly
10. Lussick
11. Harrison
12. Ryan
13. Paulo (joseph)
14. Pauli
15. Lasalo
16. Billy Rogers
17. Maitua
There was a host of other stars we cheated to acquire or retain during that period: McGuire, Allgood, Keating, Burt - we even cheated to bring in supercoaches Kearney and Stuart.
Looking at the list makes me think of what might have been what if we hadn't moved towards legality? This host of illegally assembled stars could have had a dynasty.
I do feel like our spoons should be asterisked as a result Dean. Glad you bumped it to make this point.