What come out of last nights game is Smith should be sacked as captain, because they need a captain with a level head, not a captain who'll come out and say what he said. I wonder how someone like Lockyer would handle this situation, alot better i'd would think.
i think i have a possible explaination to simostorm's rants. She is currently menstruating and is not getting enough iron.
grow up sh*tforbrains
Actually anyone with a modicum of integrity would do a better job.
Great insight thanks for the read mate!!will be very interesting,we ,,the boys were only talking yesterday about exactly what you just posted.
Get a dog up ya s**t guts.
Just confirmed your a bogan mate
Perhaps so, yep I'm a bogan sitting here doing paperwork relating to a multi million dollar mining project.
Bogan I may be, but at least the money I make is well within the rules of my profession, which is more than can be said for the "club" you choose to make an emotional investment in.
Also, and forgive me if I am wrong here, but every time I insult one of you storm scum supporters someone has a cry about it, for a bunch of self assured uppity wankers, you guys are certainly thin skinned when the blow torch is aimed in a modicum of your direction.
Ahh boganism, I'll guess I'll need to console myself with a drive in the race car tomorrow, us bogans do know how to have a good time stormbati![]()
i thought hoffman was the girlAdam Blair and Brett White are big enough and loose enough to cause some real carnage.
Yes it's been "proven" Pfftshhhhhh! lmao. So many swimming against the low tide in this gene pool. Bless.
Well, its been proven that you were cheating as ana organisation. No doubt that the sh*t will flow down hill & thats why there's no cooperation at Storm HQ.
Not saying Smith is specifically implicit in the cheating - but someone sure as hell is & you can bet your premierships that it will come out in the wash. Hang on - no premierships - better make that your competition points.....Sorry...ahhh... make that your integrity......AHHHHHHH FUUUUUUCK!
What do the Storm have left?