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stupid show...

les norton

First Grade
I am only posting this in here because I know that the majority of my fellow chicks love it..

Freaking Greys Anatomy!!!

Is Denny dead? Can Bourke feel his hand???
I just wanted to slap Christina!!!! :crazy:

And then channel 7 didnt show me what was happening next week...that is out of line channel 7...OUT OF LINE!!!!:x


I just quickly came on here to check out youtube.com & see if there were any previews, but all I found was musical tributes and spoilt things for myself. According to youtube, the next episode is the season final.

Unbelievable that the screen just went blank and they went on to the next show...grrrr!


First Grade
I KNOW!!! Initially I thought they were being dramatic but nooooooooooo!

And yeah - what is wrong with Yang?! And Izzy?!?! Totally and utterly NUTS!

And how rude is Derek to his wife. It's not on!!

I liked that George admitted partial blame for the Meredith debacle.

Geez I love this show!


First Grade
I went nuts when they cut it like that! :crazy:
I couldn't believe it. I actually felt sorry for Christina, it would have been hard to see the man she loves having to go through that, so I don't blame her. I know she's a doctor, but she's a person too.
I can't believe what Izzy did, that's unforgivable. She will be in so much trouble.


First Grade
That's a good point about Christina actually. I think I just expected her to deal because she's used to that surgery situation - but not when someone she cares about is involved i guess. Not that she really much shows that she cares!!

les norton

First Grade
I had more of an issue with her earlier behaviour...he needed her help and opinion and she ran. I think the later behaviour mimicked that.

I really feel for madison. Dereck is an arsehole.

Question: would true love be enough for you to throw away your career? Especially if you had worked as hard as a doctor has....


~bedsy~ said:
I actually felt sorry for Christina, it would have been hard to see the man she loves having to go through that, so I don't blame her. I know she's a doctor, but she's a person too.

It's much more poignant than it would have been if she'd focussed and done what she was supposed to. She just froze, turned away and couldn't acknowledge anyone, and I don't know if she would have reacted like this if Burke hadn't shown himself to be vulnerable before.

It did a very good job of showing everyone stripped bare and reaching their breaking point, whether it's through them failing spectacularly like Izzie or Cristina, or resigning themselves to reality like George or the chief. Even Bailey. What I thought was interesting is through all of this, probably the only significant character with a clear(ish) head is Meredith, given she's usually been the one to bugger things up through her lack of responsibility.


channel 7 cut it off like that, because in the US when they aired it, it was a 2 hour finale...it would've continued on after their ad break...

and yea i think next week is the season finale...


First Grade
les norton said:
I had more of an issue with her earlier behaviour...he needed her help and opinion and she ran. I think the later behaviour mimicked that.

I really feel for madison. Dereck is an arsehole.
Oh yeah I wasn't too impressed with her, I felt for Burke then.
It's Addison, not Madison.


First Grade
I think he does come back... I have been reading spoilers because the yanks get the 3rd season around about now, so they know more about what's happening.


Please...he finally showed a nice side of himself...

I saw that clip about 6 weeks ago unfortunately...gave away the end of the series completely...


Bit of a different season finale than I was expecting, more like picking up the pieces, but probably better than another cliffhanger I reckon. Bit odd when Denny said he 'tricked' Izzie into marrying her, did I miss something there?

And if you'll excuse me I really can't warm to Meredith at all. Fair enough that there's unrequited love, and these kind of things require someone to suffer for their sake, but I just can't get past thinking she's essentially a brat that doesn't think before she acts/roots. Maybe they were meant to be together, but based on her (and his, it must be said) actions I suppose they deserve each other.

I'm all for fitting endings where the guy gets the right girl (Sleepless in Seattle, Four Weddings), but these characters really haven't endeared themselves to me in the slightest, and I can't say I particularly want them to end up happy together and absolved of any criticism. One cheated on his wife and is lying to her and himself, and the other is breaking guys left right and centre and getting out of it basically scot-free. Sure, she isn't responsible for people being infatuated with her, but she could at least acknowledge them and let them down a bit more easy.

Still, roll on next season :lol:


les norton

First Grade
I bawled my eyes out. First with the freakin dog and then when denny died and then during the stupid music clip.

I agree with you strewth...I really dislike meredith and McDreamy's relationship now. he makes me soooo mad.

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