Rhino_NQ said:
Might be an idea. I've fooled around with a few Canadians, but never dated one. They're like mild Americans.
Drew-Sta said:
Haven't heard that story. Do tell!
It was a bit of a shit time, really. I lived and worked in South Korea from 2007-2009 and met an American lass there. We moved to Australia together after a year together and did a year there, but it didn't work out. So, rather than break up, we opted to stay together until her visa ended.
Once she'd gone and the resulting sadness kicked in, I went back to South Korea in a new city. Had an awful job, jumped into a relationship with a crazy bitch who made me miserable, and basically spiralled to an all-time low.
Left the country without notice and moved to my hometown just in time for a wet, cold winter that only further crushed my spirits. Shit time was shit.
umina panther said:
Date? You're now single again and should be trying to bed a different girl every night
Not quite single yet. She flies out Wednesday week.
As for dating, I'm definitely taking a break from that. Nothing more serious than exchanging first names and fluids for the foreseeable future.
I don't mind a good horror or thriller movie that uses good writing and acting to give you chills. This is why the original, Japanese version of "The Ring" is infinitesimally better than the American remake - the seppos thought it would be a great idea to take away all the nuance and psychological horror in favour of spelling everything out. Bloody idiots.
I prefer my horror to be of the suspenseful thriller or supernatural variety. I've never really enjoyed torture porn or slasher films.