As the parent of a two year old boy I find this shit sick and disgusting beyond words.
Why anyone would willingly watch it is f**king beyond me
The film was released to great controversy over its sexual violence. Spasojević has responded to the controversy with "This is a diary of our own molestation by the Serbian government... It's about the monolithic power of leaders who hypnotize you to do things you don't want to do. You have to feel the violence to know what it's about."
Even better...a bottle of coles water :alcho:
I can appreciate a good bit of cheeseball, stupidity. Evil Dead is great, and I don't hate some of the Final Destination movies.
The Final Destination movies are a guilty pleasure of mine.
I really don't do horror as a genre though. If I want guts and gore I'd prefer to watch an awesome war movie.
Is she coming home with her girlfriend? I'd say that's when it would get really fun.
Is she coming home with her girlfriend? I'd say that's when it would get really fun.
Also, when controversy generally surrounds a movie, and not in the Passion of The Christ type from religious nutjobs (sorry Drew) it makes me want to watch it that bit more.
He said that he's writing a sermon so I don't think it's going to be that kind of fun. :lol:
Although as they say those who protest the loudest carry the most guilt, so you never know.
More like lake flaccid!
lake placid was really good
the second anaconda was pretty rubbish
Not me! ;-)Only when I'm around...