Money problems are balls. But f**k let everybody else in the world down if you have to, just don't let yourself down.
Cliffganga...Y U phail so hard? Do you happen to know who owns The Book Depository?
Saw Kungl's Fred in the NRL forum. Was like "hang on a minute..." Then realised that Kungl had started it... Rofltrollcopter.
Saw Kungl's Fred in the NRL forum. Was like "hang on a minute..." Then realised that Kungl had started it... Rofltrollcopter.
TBH, here in the US and especially in the south, people need to form groups for support because entire towns can ostracise them simply because they don't believe in a god. They really take the whole religion thing pretty seriously here - it's the most commonly used political and social weapon they have...Atheists joining groups to discuss how much they dont believe in something :lol:
(note: I'm an atheist)
You told us to shop on Amazon, that's unforgivable uncool.
Last week I tried to buy a bobble head. I was all excited ready to checkout thinking of all the cool places to display my awesome new Scorpion bobblehead. Then to my shock there's a red apostrophe informing me the product won't be shipped to Australia, right at the end.
Anyway as I had an amazon voucher I decided to buy some da Vinci books, anyway the total was about 15 dollars and I had a 30 dollar voucher, I figured that seeing as book depository ships books for free surely amazon won't charge me more than 15 bucks for shipping. The f**kers tried to. I sent them a letter politely asking them to stop raping me in the arse with their ridiculous shipping prices. I didn't get a reply.
TBH, here in the US and especially in the south, people need to form groups for support because entire towns can ostracise them simply because they don't believe in a god. They really take the whole religion thing pretty seriously here - it's the most commonly used political and social weapon they have..
The irony of being a country founded on the freedom of religious tolerance still hasn't dawned on them...
Everybody love everybody
Agree, but then religious nutjobs get involved in semantics and focus on the word 'of'.
They would argue that freedom of religion is not freedom from religion. The argument is so childish and ironic that you'd cry if you didn't laugh.
The bottom line is that they are intolerant bigots with a noisy PR machine and a select minority of atheists are pushing back using similarly overt and base methods. It was inevitable given the culture and brashness of society here.