Your talk of foundations isn't very clear or logical to me Drew, but I appreciate the point you make.
It is most likely a mix of both, because there are some things built into us that we recognise as fundamentally wrong (murder, theft, rape etc) but what you were talking about earlier with the exposure of teens to sexual material is subjective in my opinion. There are a lot of things that fall into the same category.
Yeah, explaining this stuff over forums is sometimes difficult. I guess what I'm trying to say is your foundation determines what you believe is right / wrong.
A popular example is a Christian who believes sex before marriage is wrong (not as simple as that, but you get what I mean), but a non-Christian believes it is ok. Your foundation there is belief in God vs disbelief in God. Ergo, one foundation says 'X' is wrong, the other says 'X' is ok.
However, someone who suggests all morals are subjective claims there is no foundation and you make it up as you go and no-one can tell you you're wrong because they're not you.
Hope that clears it up.
BTW why was this brought up here? It should be inthe fight club forum.
Because I wanted sensible discussion?
FFB and ST > every other forum on LU, really. The one stop shop for lulz, D'n'M's and games.
Something that significant is hard to miss. Even just in the time it took to scroll past it.
You destroy thousands of nerve endings that add to sexual pleasure while giving no real benefit for anyone who adheres to basic rules of hygiene.
That's a ridiculous argument. I'm snipped and I have sensational feeling during sex. Sure, I can't tell the difference as I've not had non-snipped sex to compare, but given its the head of the penis that registers the actual sensation, your argument is a little thin.
I didn't deny living with my parents because I do.
Don't live in a basement. I have my own room with a window and everything.
I also have a job. I pay tax.
... and again: