I think they might have to put him down People have begun to treat him badly when he gets out, which means he's aggressive to some Tongans and scared of others. Sadly he's changed because he hasn't been given the attention he needs and although I totally understand, I am absolutely devastated as he's my furry first born and I still feel a deep sense of guilt and disgust at myself for leaving him behind
Back when it was a UAI, I thought anything under 33 was given some sort of patronising name and the number not actually told to the person...
IIRC I got 30 and that was on my UAI certficate.
Same. Happy with one kid, thinking about getting the snip on the sly.
Not that i really need to get it done, not like I get to use 'it' these days.
I am pretty sure with UAI it used to be under 30 and you were just given a *. Someone I went to primary and high school with got one iirc.
I don't get it. I love sex. How could anyone not want sex? Like. All the time.
I don't get it. I love sex. How could anyone not want sex? Like. All the time.
Sometimes when there's good food around I don't want sex. I just want food.