Shield is great, definitely watch that if you get a chance. Of course if you like that then Son's of Anarchy is a no brainer. As a side game it's interesting seeing all the Shield actors turn up with roles on Son's.
House of Cards, I don't mind, but I'm just not a fan of the "let's talk to the camera" and really grates on me at times, especially when it pretty much gives you an idea on what's about to happen and then you have to watch it actually happen.
Breaking Bad I still need to keep going with that. About halfway through second season. People keep telling me it gets better and better, hopefully that's true because I'm enjoying it, but not busting to see episodes.
The Following I've enjoyed, although season 2 seemed to lack a little something that made season 1 great.
If you like sci-fi/post apocalyptic/pretty people running around, then watch the 100. Just make sure you get through the first 3 episodes. A little forced and contrived in regards to cliche characters and romances. I almost gave up because it felt like post apocalyptic Twilight, but I always make sure I watch at least 5 episodes before giving up on things as the first couple of episodes are often reviewed and the style/tone tweaked as a result. The end of episode 3/episode 4 things take a dark twist and it just keeps getting darker from there (especially the midpoint of season 2)