what are you writing?
Letters to the editor in Playboy...
?To achieve dryness, women insert, chalk, sand, pulverized rock, herbs, paper or sponges before sex, according to journalist Ms Wendy Syfret, who has reported on the practice in South Africa.
A story. I don't know that I have the patience or commitment to write a novel, I just kinda want to see what comes out of some of my crazy ideas. Maybe one day they'll get worked into novels. That'd be nice I reckon
You kids and your mafia. Back in my day the FFB was all noods
Why, gimme a gal with her gams not covered by her skirt, and I'll give you a foamy, white salute.
You whippersnippers with your MTV and cosa nostra glorifying make me violently ill.
Dickety years ago, I'd have made you a world of make-believe with a spoon, a rock and an ounce of opium.
You kids and your mafia. Back in my day the FFB was all noods
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