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So... women.
I get a message from my wife. She's furious. The mother in law has ironed something on the floor and there is now a mark (apparently glue). I shudder and await the thunderstorm when I get home.
Wife has already gone to get a steam cleaner from Bunnings. I arrive to discover she bought extra soap etc even though we have some.
I neglect to tell her that.
I approach the stain to discover it isn't a stain, but its the carpet that has melted as it is synthetic. I steam clean it anyway, at wifes request. It does nothing.
Wife is furious at mother in law who, although stupid in this decision, does not deserve to be treated by wife in that matter. I attempt to at least meter the anger; that is misinterpreted as 'you're taking her side, don't minimise my feelings.' I am not taking her side or minimising her feelings, I am simply suggesting her behaviour is not acceptable.
She then decries 'We will get kicked out!' We will not get kicked out. We might lose our bond.
'Yes! But we can't afford the $2k loss of bond!'
Yes, but mother in law has saved us over $2k in money by not making us pay child care so we can maximise your wage when you work.
Angry silence.
'I'm not talking to you. I'm angry at you.'
I walk away.
I'm pretty sure we've all married emotional lunatics.
call carpet company, get a quote on having a part / all of that room replaced in a similar / identical carpet..
should be much cheaper than $2k..
alternatively, get a hot iron and make burn marks all over the carpet so it looks like a pattern & the property manage won't notice a thing...
but.. if it makes you feel any better, i paid thousands of dollars to have our floors professionally sanded & polished (our house is predominantly lovely tasmanian oak flooring which looks great after a few coats of lacquer..)
anyway, wife wanted to paint an old bookshelf, so painted away one day when i was at work, and when i arrived home brought me to the shelf and showed off her great work at painting.. (which she had done a great job..)
anyway, i look to the ground to see no dropsheet.. i shift the newly painted shelving to see a rectangle of run off and spattered paint all over the floorboards..
she couldn't understand why i was annoyed...
but.. nothing a good rug can't fix..