Anyway , two blokes are found guilty of dealing weed to young 'uns and are up in front of the judge .
' You have done enormous damage to the youth of this town but before I pass sentence I'm going to give you an opportunity to make amends . I'll give you a week to go out and persuade young people to give up the habit .
So a week goes by and the judge tell the first bloke to step forward and report. ' I converted 12 youngsters away from drugs ' , he says .
'Very good' ,goes the judge ,'how did you do that ?'
' Well I drew two circles ,one large and one small and told them , see that big circle ? thats how big your brain is before you take drugs and the small circle is your brain after .
' Very good' goes the judge and the other man steps forward . ' I converted 250 kids away from drugs ' he goes .
'Amazing' says the judge ,'How did you do that ?'
'Well , funnily enough I used circles as well ' he goes , ' I drew a small circle and a big circle and then I said to the kids see that small circle ? well that your arsehole before you get to prison......