So apparently my ex updated his fb status to "Melbourne BDO was awesome. Thanks for the free tickets Dani"
Then promptly deleted it when my mum made a comment about taking it to her boss (she's a p.a. to a lawyer)
People deal with things differently IRL. People don't know what to say, or whether they should say something at all. In many respects, it is easier to express oneself online than IRL, and you may find that you've expressed yourself better, or more clearly here, as well as us sharing our thoughts more freely. Anonymity is a funny thing, even if it's somewhat superficial around these parts (especially regulars). Even more interesting still are the very real emotions one can feel for a username, avatar and collection of words on a screen.
Fascinating subject. I've wondered about online vs. offline psychology since I was old enough to chat to girls when I was "16" (12).
FFB has always been a family. Even when one of us is away, always remembered.
Nobody wants to see family hurt, there are a lot of good people here.
People deal with things differently IRL. People don't know what to say, or whether they should say something at all. In many respects, it is easier to express oneself online than IRL, and you may find that you've expressed yourself better, or more clearly here, as well as us sharing our thoughts more freely. Anonymity is a funny thing, even if it's somewhat superficial around these parts (especially regulars). Even more interesting still are the very real emotions one can feel for a username, avatar and collection of words on a screen.
Fascinating subject. I've wondered about online vs. offline psychology since I was old enough to chat to girls when I was "16" (12).
All of those games had awesome soundtracks - especially GTA3 and San Andreas.
Plus it had the best talkback station.GTA3 had the Scarface soundtrack, hard to top that