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Team for round 19

Zetland Rabbit

Zetlands done his time I think with his avatar.

Its making me sickly seeing a good guy like him wearing that filthy shroud.

TBH its killing me Dave Q, showing the Avatar....At least its not a West Tigers Avatar or a Balmain Tigers Avatar...nevertheless it still hurts wearing it, but us Souths Fans are men of honour, and unlike some Tigpies supporters we pride our selves on honour and, are not turncoats and cats.

I might just keep a low profile on here for the remainder of the week though...as i feel sick also looking at it.

Dave Q

TBH its killing me Dave Q, showing the Avatar....At least its not a West Tigers Avatar or a Balmain Tigers Avatar...nevertheless it still hurts wearing it, but us Souths Fans are men of honour, and unlike some Tigpies supporters we pride our selves on honour and, are not turncoats and cats.

I might just keep a low profile on here for the remainder of the week though...as i feel sick also looking at it.

Its heart breaking, but i understand.

I wonder if there is any internet on Norfolk Isalnd. If not, you could go there on a nice holiday and then you wouldnt have to post. Otherwise, I suppose we are stuck with it.

At least Russell has visited to give someone some free abuse. He's very community minded our Russell.

Russell Crowe

TBH its killing me Dave Q, showing the Avatar....At least its not a West Tigers Avatar or a Balmain Tigers Avatar...nevertheless it still hurts wearing it, but us Souths Fans are men of honour, and unlike some Tigpies supporters we pride our selves on honour and, are not turncoats and cats.

I might just keep a low profile on here for the remainder of the week though...as i feel sick also looking at it.

You're just as bad as that other turncoat, NZ Warrior.

Why the f**k is he still around???

Mate, if you don't take that god-aweful avatar off, you're lookin' for a fight...


Go ahead, hold the insults and vulgar comments I make against Souths. Hate Souths thanks to me, no worries you wouldnt be the first. Join the queue, make my day, do you want fries with that, step on up, welcome, whatever...

Here Mr Crocodile, stop crying and have a tissue.

I wish we could all so be so pious and righteous as you.

Now run off and support the Tigers on their finals camapign.

Lets us write the year off in peace.

Spare us, well me, of any further fracas of your emotional sensibilities.

FFS Get that thing of Zetland, its lowering the rents in our forum.

Don't need a tissue buddy, being called rabbit excrement and sub-human mong is good for a laugh for me....you however, i'm worried. All that built up tension and frustration, you could have an aneurysm.

Zetland Rabbit

Oh Dear, there is something up with my USER CP settings, the new Avatar doesn't come up any more? Maybe its the website that i downloaded it from?

Dave Q

Don't need a tissue buddy, being called rabbit excrement and sub-human mong is good for a laugh for me....you however, i'm worried. All that built up tension and frustration, you could have an aneurysm.

All I was doing was waving at the holy father as he passed me by.

Behind him sat a guy in a nuns habit pointing a rocket launcher directly at me.

"Dont shoot" I said 'Im catholic" and then I pulled out some rosary beads as evidence with "PRODUCT OF CHINA" written in italian on the side.

I havent been the same since.

And you want counselling from me?

So FFS run off and celebrate.

Lets us kill each other and our side in peace.

The whole season has been slaughtered in front of us and you want to tell me how good you are.

Im sorry at least Zetty's avatar crisis is over. I'm feeling chipper!

Aneurasism yes.....analism, well thats what the tigers have done to us.

Go away and let me crawl about in peace.

Thank God for Rusty, he seems OK.



ftr...i have never said once that i want you to tell me how good we are. I'm not dissillusional, we have lost 5 of out last 7 games and are still unlikely to make the 8 given how we finished our last couple of seasons.

My brother is a Bunnies fan....Fire up Bunnies and go on another 5 game win streak!

Dave Q


ftr...i have never said once that i want you to tell me how good we are. I'm not dissillusional, we have lost 5 of out last 7 games and are still unlikely to make the 8 given how we finished our last couple of seasons.

My brother is a Bunnies fan....Fire up Bunnies and go on another 5 game win streak!

No I said that you were busy talking up yourself.

Look it doesnt matter anyway, I wish you no ill-will, I wouldnt know you if we fired rocket launchers at each other.

Good luck to the Tigers and all that.

And good luck to you.