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Team for round 19


Look what the cats dragged in.

Half-human mongs with IQ's the equal of rabbit-s&^t.

If we dont flog the useless tigpies by 50, they should consider themselves lucky.

Benji playing? I hope so.

I think you have overstated their IQ's Dave but i guess that is just you being the nice guy you are.

Dave Q

They know that the tigpies are about to recieve an absolute flogging.

Some pundits are tipping a record score for Souths.

The tigers are passengers now for 2008, the people on the titanic had a better chance of staying dry than they do getting into the finals.

They like a few abuses in early before they have to hang their ugly heads in shame for another season.

If they werent so ugly and rude I would feel sorrry for them.

But they are gronks and they deserve a taste of their own rude medicine.

Scrote-sucking westie basket weaving mongs. Sub-human walking rabbit excrement. Fug them and their louse-ridden club(s).

Bastard children of the Super League debacle, they have no place in polite league society.
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Zetland Rabbit

scared for a wager?

I'll have a Avatar wager with you ducati pucati. Bet you wish you owned a Ducati for real a 1098s...if you did own a bike im guessing that your probably just a f**king Cafe wannabe Racer from Balmain...f**king Latte boy.:D

Would you have the gonads to take it out to Eastern or Oran and get your Knees down? doubt it..the only time you have probably ever gotten on your knees is when you are copping it up the backdoor by backdoor himself :lol:

Anyway...I'll happily display a Tigpies Avatar if we lose this Sunday for a week, if your happy to have Souths Sydney Rabbitohs Avatar displayed for a week if Souths win.

Say from Sunday afternoon through to Monday the 28th of July.

What do you say Cafe boy?

Bet will based on who will win, head to head no points advantage?

Souths win...you lose and you display the Souths Avatar

Tigpies win...I lose and I'll display the Wests Avatar.

C'mon Cafe boy do you have the gonads..or are you just full of Gas like the rest of the Basket Weaving Balmain supporters :shock: :oops:
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I'll have a Avatar wager with you ducati pucati. Bet you wish you owned a Ducati for real a 1098s...if you did own a bike im guessing that your probably just a f**king Cafe wannabe Racer from Balmain...f**king Latte boy.:D

Would you have the gonads to take it out to Eastern or Oran and get your Knees down? doubt it..the only time you have probably ever gotten on your knees is when you are copping it up the backdoor by backdoor himself :lol:

Anyway...I'll happily display a Tigpies Avatar if we lose this Sunday for a week, if your happy to have Souths Sydney Rabbitohs Avatar displayed for a week if Souths win.

Say from Sunday afternoon through to Monday the 28th of July.

What do you say Cafe boy?

Bet will based on who will win, head to head no points advantage?

Souths win...you lose and you display the Souths Avatar

Tigpies win...I lose and I'll display the Wests Avatar.

C'mon Cafe boy do you have the gonads..or are you just full of Gas like the rest of the Basket Weaving Balmain supporters :shock: :oops:

looks like we're going to have a piece of souths remaining on the wests forum for at least a week after the game then:cool:


They know that the tigpies are about to recieve an absolute flogging.

Some pundits are tipping a record score for Souths.

The tigers are passengers now for 2008, the people on the titanic had a better chance of staying dry than they do getting into the finals.

They like a few abuses in early before they have to hang their ugly heads in shame for another season.

If they werent so ugly and rude I would feel sorrry for them.

But they are gronks and they deserve a taste of their own rude medicine.

Scrote-sucking westie basket weaving mongs. Sub-human walking rabbit excrement. Fug them and their louse-ridden club(s).

Bastard children of the Super League debacle, they have no place in polite league society.

Wow. A lot of poor taste in that post. Also somewhat ironic given the language and connotations in the post to finish it with "they have no place in polite league society" :?

Anyway, regarding the actual game, it is now official that Hodgson is out and will be replaced by Tim Moltzen at fullback :x


DaveQ and all Souths Supporters,

Best of luck today fellas, although I don't think you guys will need it. Your playing bloody well now and should defeat the Tigers fairly convincingly.

I'll be watching the game today, unfortunately from home on the telly, but all the best and keep up the good work.

Go you Bunnies.



Look what the cats dragged in.

Half-human mongs with IQ's the equal of rabbit-s&^t.

If we dont flog the useless tigpies by 50, they should consider themselves lucky.

Benji playing? I hope so.

By 50? It was close :roll:


I'll have a Avatar wager with you ducati pucati. Bet you wish you owned a Ducati for real a 1098s...if you did own a bike im guessing that your probably just a f**king Cafe wannabe Racer from Balmain...f**king Latte boy.:D

get it up gronk

Would you have the gonads to take it out to Eastern or Oran and get your Knees down? doubt it..the only time you have probably ever gotten on your knees is when you are copping it up the backdoor by backdoor himself :lol:

Anyway...I'll happily display a Tigpies Avatar if we lose this Sunday for a week, if your happy to have Souths Sydney Rabbitohs Avatar displayed for a week if Souths win.

Say from Sunday afternoon through to Monday the 28th of July.

What do you say Cafe boy?

Bet will based on who will win, head to head no points advantage?

Souths win...you lose and you display the Souths Avatar

Tigpies win...I lose and I'll display the Wests Avatar.

C'mon Cafe boy do you have the gonads..or are you just full of Gas like the rest of the Basket Weaving Balmain supporters :shock: :oops:

Dave Q

DaveQ and all Souths Supporters,

Best of luck today fellas, although I don't think you guys will need it. Your playing bloody well now and should defeat the Tigers fairly convincingly.

I'll be watching the game today, unfortunately from home on the telly, but all the best and keep up the good work.

Go you Bunnies.


Its OK, when they wake up they'll still be west tigers supporters.


You know what I dont like?

Poor sports like you.

So why dont you stick you tongue up your backside and give your brain a tickle you sub-human mong.

Poor sports? LMAO! Go back and read your posts in this thread.

You know what i don't like?

Your repulsive arrogance, that's why i just replyed to your 50-0 prediction.

Dave Q

Poor sports? LMAO! Go back and read your posts in this thread.

You know what i don't like?

Your repulsive arrogance, that's why i just replyed to your 50-0 prediction.

People who visit opposition forums after a win and try to rub it in are poor sports.

You can celebrate in a positive way over on Tigers LU.

Dont come onto our friendly forum and be rude.

You won the game, that should be enough.

Now crawl back under that rock.

Dave Q

Zetlands done his time I think with his avatar.

Its making me sickly seeing a good guy like him wearing that filthy shroud.


People who visit opposition forums after a win and try to rub it in are poor sports.

You can celebrate in a positive way over on Tigers LU.

Dont come onto our friendly forum and be rude.

You won the game, that should be enough.

Now crawl back under that rock.

I was in this thread BEFORE Souths lost. I commented on the irony of your immature post BEFORE the game yesterday. The only comment today was a smiley off rollseyes due to the arrogance of your previous posts.

I like the Bunnies and i'm not going to hold the insults and vulgar comments you make, against them. I hope they win the rest of their games this season.

Dave Q

I was in this thread BEFORE Souths lost. I commented on the irony of your immature post BEFORE the game yesterday. The only comment today was a smiley off rollseyes due to the arrogance of your previous posts.

I like the Bunnies and i'm not going to hold the insults and vulgar comments you make, against them. I hope they win the rest of their games this season.

Go ahead, hold the insults and vulgar comments I make against Souths. Hate Souths thanks to me, no worries you wouldnt be the first. Join the queue, make my day, do you want fries with that, step on up, welcome, whatever...

Here Mr Crocodile, stop crying and have a tissue.

I wish we could all so be so pious and righteous as you.

Now run off and support the Tigers on their finals camapign.

Lets us write the year off in peace.

Spare us, well me, of any further fracas of your emotional sensibilities.

FFS Get that thing of Zetland, its lowering the rents in our forum.
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Russell Crowe

I was in this thread BEFORE Souths lost. I commented on the irony of your immature post BEFORE the game yesterday. The only comment today was a smiley off rollseyes due to the arrogance of your previous posts.

I like the Bunnies and i'm not going to hold the insults and vulgar comments you make, against them. I hope they win the rest of their games this season.

Listen here, mate. You can piss off. Do you know what you get, when you merge 2 sh*tty clubs? A barely not-sh*tty club. Your lot got lucky, it won't happen again, ya vagina!!!

I hear that little pussy, Benji, likes a fight. I'll give him a fight and I'll make sure everyone brings their cameras too. Then I'll proceed to break all his glass body parts.