Mamo was solid IMO. Elliott was trash; they tore him a new one with little effort. Ross being at centre would have been the better option. I'm fine to see him back after the bye if he's back on the wing.
It's heartbreaking, we were immense in the first 30.
What shit me most about this was Hodkinson. He showed little enthusiasm when we hit 22 points and after the break it seemed he only wanted to hold the lead. Kicking it out every second, third set, taking the two when we had the momentum back early; to his credit he was what we needed for the FG, but he showed no pride in the jumper. If he did, I don't think we lose today; I don't think they come even close. Cogger isn't experienced enough to make the call, putting the cue in the rack was Hodkinson's call without a doubt.
Barnett was huge in attack, solid in defence. Sione was outstanding all round. I would love to see him play Lock; having the freedom to move around the field and get involved as much as possible instead of being tied to one side of the field.