From a Rafa Fan:
Here's the thing that makes Novak great:
People adored Roger for his panache. Any time Novak played him, he was always the underdog. Early on in his career, he was even accused of faking injuries, by Roger himself, and Novak has said that hurt him. He used that pain to get better. Towards his tenth slam, he was playing Roger in every other grand slam. The crowd booed, jeered, and hissed at Novak. Novak is quoted as saying, "I like to transmutate it. When they chant Roger, I hear Novak". He used the hatred, the dislike, the constant negativity to become a better person first and a better tennis player overall.
People adored Rafa for his fighting spirit. He was a consummate professional. Probably the most laid back and friendly tennis player in history. But on the court, he became a matador. Novak's battles with Rafa are the highlight of his career. He lost some, he won some, but they played each other with the greatest of respect. And in every one of those battles, Novak also heard it from the crowd. They booed, jeered, and hissed all over again. Never in the history of a sport has a renowned and multiple-time champion been so disrespected. But Novak refused to let it define him. He is without a doubt (and this comes from a Rafa fan) the greatest player in tennis history. Never has one man had to overcome so much to stand atop his sport. Never has one man come under as much scrutiny. Never has one man been met with such hate. I may be a Rafa fan, but I love Novak. He is the epitome of class. He is a warrior.
And when he hangs up his shoes, the haters will hopefully finally realise how good he was and what they're missing. Because Novak Djokovic came through the best era in tennis history, where two other greats tallied 42 grand slams between them, and still came out on top. He is undeniably, undoubtedly, and unequivocally the greatest of all time.