Welcome to the forums Terry, I am glad you have quickly found something to pass the time whilst your injured...He isnt the only player who does it, the ref usually keeps the 10m at the spot he called held anyway, the attacker only shortens the 10 for his own team by crawling forward, but honestly the guy is looking at 12months on the sideline, show some compassion.
He is a good player and a top bloke.
The thread is childish and stupid, grow up.
Settle down guys, he's not crawling around on the floor as a method of cheating...
He's just trying to collect the hair that gets knocked out with every tackle
He isnt the only player who does it, the ref usually keeps the 10m at the spot he called held anyway, the attacker only shortens the 10 for his own team by crawling forward, but honestly the guy is looking at 12months on the sideline, show some compassion.
He is a good player and a top bloke.
The thread is childish and stupid, grow up.
Hey yeah...you know what?
He's right.
The ref stands still, the defense stands still...the markers stand still....................................all while attacker, dummy half and supports are going forward
Have a think about it Raider01
If the refs penalised every player who steps or crawls forward off the mark in a game of footy we would have 100 penalties a game.
They would.I think players would stop doing it pretty quickly.
Because on the off chance a ref looks away for a second, the attacker moves forward and gets the markers offside, the ref looks back and blows a penalty. Mission accomplished.
Its a blight on the game and one of my biggest gripes...moving off the mark