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Thankyou sowie

That 2010 semi was so painful and glorious all in one,I was at work on night shift on the other side of the country with radio and Internet the only means of keeping up with the live score whilst Supervising and Coordinating things at work and right at the end the commentary wasn't coming thru and I was on the phone to my wife and I kept saying did we win and she was Screaming yes and I couldn't hear so I kept asking and she said Yes We Won!The tears the tears,you know what I'm saying I couldn't believe it!A week later we went and and watched Saints win the big one after missing out in 99 and it was and is something we will always treasure being there,though I do look forward to the next one coming up soon,I hope!

Great Story.

Glad you made it to the big one 1 week later. :)

Rob Dragon

I have been critical of Jamie for a while because he has not run the football; but he has given great service and I will always remmber him fondly. I actually feel like he has been made somewhat of the scape-goat for the under achieving over the last 18 months. I find it interesting that Price has taken a hard line with Soward recenly. I wish the board would show Proce the same hard line attitiude because not a single person in the entire club has underperformed more then Price!


First Grade
I remember how pissed off many of us Saints fans got when Soward was dubbed the 'cat in the hat' or the'milkman'. When opposition fans said he doesn't run the line, many of us said he doesn't have to.
Because he was winning us games.

I dunno what happened to Jamie that dropped his contribution. The main and most glaring change was the departure of Bennett. The rest is just rumour and conjecture.

I'm a bit sad that I can't go and clap him off for a farewell match. I made it a point to farewell Deano and Cracker Hornby.

But it's business. Whatever the story is, upper management have backed the coach over the player. Done, finito, halas.

Cheers for the kicking, weird kicking rituals and some great passion and brilliant moments Sowie. Good luck in your career Rockstar.


To be honest I have heard he didn't even tell his team mates he was pissing off to England. That says something. He's been a great player for us and we should all be thankful.
But it's time to move on and stop thinking the club is just to blame.
Thank you Sowie.

I know you'll never read this, but I'd like to say that I'm sorry that the club (and, at times, the fans) didn't treat you better. IMO, it's more a reflection on our coach than on you, and you'll always be a legend in my eyes.

The Dragons clearly need some class in the halves, and you have that in spades.

I don't know what's gone wrong, but it makes me very sad.

Thanks for the memories. You have my gratitude.


Thank you Sowie.

I know you'll never read this, but I'd like to say that I'm sorry that the club (and, at times, the fans) didn't treat you better. IMO, it's more a reflection on our coach than on you, and you'll always be a legend in my eyes.

The Dragons clearly need some class in the halves, and you have that in spades.

I don't know what's gone wrong, but it makes me very sad.

Thanks for the memories. You have my gratitude.

Wonderfully said CD...:D

Blue Dragon

I agree with all the comments posted here. Sowie was our saviour on so many occasions in the last few years when things looked dour. He has won us so many games with field goals and kicks from the sideline. Yes, I agree he hardly ever takes the line on, but he more than compensates by having one of the best kicking game in the comp. Don't believe me? Wait till he plays against us next year.
Sowie, thanks for what you have done for our club. I will remember you for all the great things you brought to the club, and your skills on the field, not all the crap written about you in the news or on this forum.