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The ‘Anything and Everything’ Thread


First Grade
But its their body. They dont want an experimental drug in it.
It's THEIR body.

If people want to take a vaccine that doesn't keep them safe from the virus. Great. Take it. Take 2 jabs. Take 5.
It's their body.
Bathe in it.

Just live your own life.

But once you start to preach or dictate to someone else what to inject into their body you become selfish.

Sorry...which side is selfish again.
I can never remember.


So are you implying 'heil Trump' is me? More like yourself! That Showman liar, with his 'warp speed' initiative has put us (the World) into the position where our Controllers are reveling in it. Divide & conquer The 'question everything's' against the 'trust Govt/MSM/Medical' types which you are obviously one. Contrary to what you think about me, my hope is that more of you will think carefully about your choices that will last a lifetime for yourself and kids! I must say it upsets me to see how many are without coercion lining up for the jab, for all different reasons, though in the end -had the jab or not-we are all passionate Sharks fans!
You have posted 'studies' and 'proof' directly taken from far right wing news misinformation sites, that spend most of their webspace idolising Trump and his lunatic supporter fringe.
If you want to not take the vax FOR GOOD reasons, (ie real medical conditions under medical advice ) thats one thing.
To take far right wing misinformation as gospel for your reason for not 'doing your bit to protect yourself and others', to spread false information intentionally during a pandemic (it's fake, its the flu, 99% of people survive, vaccines cause epilepsy) and even worse, denying the science because it goes against Christian values (you have not done this here fortunately) is very bad juju.
Florida, for example. A far right-wing governor, refusing to push a vaccine because he wants to run for President in 2024. He needs the fundamentalist lunatic Trump supporter base to have any hope. So what is he doing? He's intentionally ignoring the vaccine, pushing Regeneron (cost $1500) as a treatment AFTER you get sick (and one of his major donors happen to be a major owner of said company providing this treatment, coincidentally). And there has been more than 50,000 deaths In that 1 state alone! So much death and destruction because this moron want's to be president in 2024 and he has to pander to the right wing lunatics. He fights any Covid preventative measures in court. He peddles lies intentionally at briefings. It's sick.
Sorry for the ranting, here. It's just sad that people believe right wing nonsense as 'proof' that 'vaccines are bad'.


Herd Immunity is the only way out of this mess. Either 85% of people take the risk of getting Covid, with over 10% getting dangerously ill at any given time, filling up hospitals and forcing doctors to choose whether you live or die because there are no beds available, increasing your Medicare charge at tax time, etc, or we trust the science that has worked in the past and take a vaccine, in an actual attempt to fight the virus and protect fellow Australians from getting dangerously ill. Then we can open up, and hopefully return to normalcy.
85% of the population will be vaccinated, with currently over a 98% reduction in serious illness of those vaccinated. It's saved lives. Make no mistake about it.
Our scientists will have to look out for new variants however. Any unvaxxed person travelling overseas has a much higher chance of getting sick from a new variant that might be in another country, and bring it home. Booster shots may be required mainly for this reason. Hence, the vaccine passports to travel overseas.
You have posted 'studies' and 'proof' directly taken from far right wing news misinformation sites, that spend most of their webspace idolising Trump and his lunatic supporter fringe.
If you want to not take the vax FOR GOOD reasons, (ie real medical conditions under medical advice ) thats one thing.
To take far right wing misinformation as gospel for your reason for not 'doing your bit to protect yourself and others', to spread false information intentionally during a pandemic (it's fake, its the flu, 99% of people survive, vaccines cause epilepsy) and even worse, denying the science because it goes against Christian values (you have not done this here fortunately) is very bad juju.
Florida, for example. A far right-wing governor, refusing to push a vaccine because he wants to run for President in 2024. He needs the fundamentalist lunatic Trump supporter base to have any hope. So what is he doing? He's intentionally ignoring the vaccine, pushing Regeneron (cost $1500) as a treatment AFTER you get sick (and one of his major donors happen to be a major owner of said company providing this treatment, coincidentally). And there has been more than 50,000 deaths In that 1 state alone! So much death and destruction because this moron want's to be president in 2024 and he has to pander to the right wing lunatics. He fights any Covid preventative measures in court. He peddles lies intentionally at briefings. It's sick.
Sorry for the ranting, here. It's just sad that people believe right wing nonsense as 'proof' that 'vaccines are bad'.
Quotes from other posters you'd do well to pay attention to:
But to the guys comparing the polio and other vaccines...
They went through 5 stages and many years of refinement and testing under safe conditions.
This is an experimental vaccine of which the true effects will not even BEGIN to be known until the end of '23.
The makers have stated this.( Snout)
I don’t know why people who are fully vaccinated and Gladys are so concerned with being around someone who is unvaccinated. If the vaccine works, then why does it matter? Not to mention, whether you are vaccinated or not, you can still catch and pass on the virus. (Craig shark)
Quotes from other posters you'd do well to pay attention to:
But to the guys comparing the polio and other vaccines...
They went through 5 stages and many years of refinement and testing under safe conditions.
This is an experimental vaccine of which the true effects will not even BEGIN to be known until the end of '23.
The makers have stated this.( Snout)
I don’t know why people who are fully vaccinated and Gladys are so concerned with being around someone who is unvaccinated. If the vaccine works, then why does it matter? Not to mention, whether you are vaccinated or not, you can still catch and pass on the virus. (Craig shark)
You know what shits me about this whole thing? The way that the last 18 months or so have become so divisive. I've seen friendships destroyed and politics played out daily by *both* sides of the argument.

Mate, I'm sure you're a nice bloke, and you know what, it's okay that we don't agree on everything. What sort of life would we lead if we did? I'm not going to ruin any relationships over this crap, and that includes all you idiots in here. I reckon' Covid conversations and all the bullshit they bring from both sides of the argument are pointless and a waste of energy in here.

We should be concentrating more on how munch we all want to bag out other teams, sacred cows and whether the Messiah is back under yet another guise. That's what I'm gonna try and do anyway.

Peace out.



Staff member
You have posted 'studies' and 'proof' directly taken from far right wing news misinformation sites, that spend most of their webspace idolising Trump and his lunatic supporter fringe.
If you want to not take the vax FOR GOOD reasons, (ie real medical conditions under medical advice ) thats one thing.
To take far right wing misinformation as gospel for your reason for not 'doing your bit to protect yourself and others', to spread false information intentionally during a pandemic (it's fake, its the flu, 99% of people survive, vaccines cause epilepsy) and even worse, denying the science because it goes against Christian values (you have not done this here fortunately) is very bad juju.
Florida, for example. A far right-wing governor, refusing to push a vaccine because he wants to run for President in 2024. He needs the fundamentalist lunatic Trump supporter base to have any hope. So what is he doing? He's intentionally ignoring the vaccine, pushing Regeneron (cost $1500) as a treatment AFTER you get sick (and one of his major donors happen to be a major owner of said company providing this treatment, coincidentally). And there has been more than 50,000 deaths In that 1 state alone! So much death and destruction because this moron want's to be president in 2024 and he has to pander to the right wing lunatics. He fights any Covid preventative measures in court. He peddles lies intentionally at briefings. It's sick.
Sorry for the ranting, here. It's just sad that people believe right wing nonsense as 'proof' that 'vaccines are bad'.
I agree with a lot of what you said..

I just wanted to make one point…
Not all Christians subscribe to the far-right pro-Trump insanity.
I am a Christian and I would say 99% of Christians I know have taken the vaccine, or are lining up to take it.


You know what shits me about this whole thing? The way that the last 18 months or so have become so divisive. I've seen friendships destroyed and politics played out daily by *both* sides of the argument.

Mate, I'm sure you're a nice bloke, and you know what, it's okay that we don't agree on everything. What sort of life would we lead if we did? I'm not going to ruin any relationships over this crap, and that includes all you idiots in here. I reckon' Covid conversations and all the bullshit they bring from both sides of the argument are pointless and a waste of energy in here.

We should be concentrating more on how munch we all want to bag out other teams, sacred cows and whether the Messiah is back under yet another guise. That's what I'm gonna try and do anyway.

Peace out.

And f**king FRENZY, don't forget bagging out our very own Woodsy, the Captains arseole


I agree with a lot of what you said..

I just wanted to make one point…
Not all Christians subscribe to the far-right pro-Trump insanity.
I am a Christian and I would say 99% of Christians I know have taken the vaccine, or are lining up

Sorry, Bluefox, maybe I was being a bit too broad. I'm very glad the religious community in Aus that you know of are smart enough to get the vaccine, and do their bit to help themselves and others. And our education standards are higher here, which helps a great deal. Please understand there was not my intent to label all Christians as Trump supporters in Australia.
The situation in America is a whole other matter. The far right-wingers and Trumptards aim a lot of their putrid vile at the Bible Belt (red) states, and push their agendas on those mis-information sites that Thicky gets his reports from (and MANY MANY others). The evangelical types are using mis-information to fleece their own followers, and thousands are dying, still, due to low vaccination rates. Egged on by FOX News, Governors who are in it for political reasons, and low education rates in some of these states. They are being tricked from very very high up, and just don't seem to realise. It's such a bad situation, that fortunately, due to high vaccination rates we will end up with here, we will avoid the worst of it.
Sorry, Bluefox, maybe I was being a bit too broad. I'm very glad the religious community in Aus that you know of are smart enough to get the vaccine, and do their bit to help themselves and others. And our education standards are higher here, which helps a great deal. Please understand there was not my intent to label all Christians as Trump supporters in Australia.
The situation in America is a whole other matter. The far right-wingers and Trumptards aim a lot of their putrid vile at the Bible Belt (red) states, and push their agendas on those mis-information sites that Thicky gets his reports from (and MANY MANY others). The evangelical types are using mis-information to fleece their own followers, and thousands are dying, still, due to low vaccination rates. Egged on by FOX News, Governors who are in it for political reasons, and low education rates in some of these states. They are being tricked from very very high up, and just don't seem to realise. It's such a bad situation, that fortunately, due to high vaccination rates we will end up with here, we will avoid the worst of it.
Your so called truth info is so mixed up You have the mindset that Trump followers are the 'anti vaxxers' which couldnt be further from the truth! Trump is still as proud as punch of the fact he initiated operation 'warp speed' that you think will be our saviour! High vaccination rates, will help us avoid the worst of it? Look at the case explosions in the Countries that already have this eg Israel! People like yourself will wake up one day when it's too late!


Your so called truth info is so mixed up You have the mindset that Trump followers are the 'anti vaxxers' which couldnt be further from the truth! Trump is still as proud as punch of the fact he initiated operation 'warp speed' that you think will be our saviour! High vaccination rates, will help us avoid the worst of it? Look at the case explosions in the Countries that already have this eg Israel! People like yourself will wake up one day when it's too late!
Whatever, Thicky.
Lay off the Kool-Aid there buddy.
You're hopelessly and utterly lost to the far right wing conspiracy theorists.
Have fun under your tinfoil hat, and for cryin out loud..
Don't take the farm store based Ivermectin, if you do get Covid. It'll hurt you.
Quotes from other posters you'd do well to pay attention to:
But to the guys comparing the polio and other vaccines...
They went through 5 stages and many years of refinement and testing under safe conditions.
This is an experimental vaccine of which the true effects will not even BEGIN to be known until the end of '23.
The makers have stated this.( Snout)
I don’t know why people who are fully vaccinated and Gladys are so concerned with being around someone who is unvaccinated. If the vaccine works, then why does it matter? Not to mention, whether you are vaccinated or not, you can still catch and pass on the virus. (Craig shark)
Simply not true.First vaccines for polio infected many who would not otherwise have been. You are correct that we have yet to get enough data to be 100% certain that current vaccines are best ,maybe wont ever or at least ,many yrs.. Polio experience is relevant for lesson learned by the people who do such research today. I beleive that still,no vaccine for Polio is a CURE , but the spread was brought under control by the vaccines. I d be highly surprised if those researching and developing vaccines for covid dont have a good understanding of the Polio research. They have the added advantage of Electron Microscopes (only really developed to useful stage in 50s and were instrumental to success,and further to that the leaps and bounds in computer power .They are starting where their 1950s counterparts left off,(even more advanced actually)

Ive nothing against anyone not taking the jab , I have and have my reasons for doing so which I will not shove down your throat. Prefer to leave it at that, and go back to being one eyed obnoxious footy fan on a footy forum.


Post Whore
I agree with a lot of what you said..

I just wanted to make one point…
Not all Christians subscribe to the far-right pro-Trump insanity.
I am a Christian and I would say 99% of Christians I know have taken the vaccine, or are lining up to take it.


Quick, get the Christians in League thread "resurrected"
Your so called truth info is so mixed up You have the mindset that Trump followers are the 'anti vaxxers' which couldnt be further from the truth! Trump is still as proud as punch of the fact he initiated operation 'warp speed' that you think will be our saviour! High vaccination rates, will help us avoid the worst of it? Look at the case explosions in the Countries that already have this eg Israel! People like yourself will wake up one day when it's too late!

Glad you're not a sheep. What you post articulates a lot of my thoughts about the Covid. Where do you get your information from? I want to do some further reading please.

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