I think you hit the nail on the head when you said people are simple!
i suspect for some people its a guilty pleasure they listen to hadley but if you ask them about it they will say they dont
just like everyone says they hate the voice and big brother but the ratings suggest somebody is tuning in
Ratings are scewed anyways, they are not a true accurate reflection because they are not hooked in to every home.
I do think in many ways people are simple - perhaps due to laziness or sheer availability, many people find rather simple, unimaginative music to be a fit for them.
But some of these shock jocks have openly intelligent people eating out of the palms of their hands - many a reference is made to Kyle Sandilands, for instance. Now, because his os the station I listen to at work, I can listen to him prattle on with Jackie O every morning. But what surprises me is that, whilst he isn't the most articulate or 'bright' of people, by the way he talks and even in his jokes to callers I can see that the man has some semblance of intelligence. And whether he is loved or hated, he has some sort of charisma, too.
It puzzles me why people continue to bite and fall for shock jocks' stances over issues and comments - their entire objective is to divide the population and outrage many whilst provoking certain discussions. And they do it to a tee, because journalists then go to their blogs and columns and write about them. One wouldn't feed an internet troll (provided one's clever enough to see through it, of course!) - why would one feed these people's egos by making them the spotlight of our attention?
In the immortal words of Lisa Simpson and Paul Anka, "Just don't look!"
Up until about a year ago I had the neilson boxes on my tvs. We gave it away because it was a hassle having to remember to press the buttons everytime one of us left or entered the room.
They had a points system that you could redeem for presents but it really wasn't worth it.
Never discount the power of a marquee signing.
Over 30 000 at the SFS today. Atmosphere amazing.
Notch up another loss to Kearneys tally. What a f**kwit.
Not sure if this has any thing to do with our mate pou pou but I was shown something pretty funny on you tube tonight (politically incorrect).. Eat da poo poo
His teams drop too much ball. I guess that's what happens when they try to pass without going forward first.
So again it's the teams fault? To be honest, if the coach has no responsibility why would they bother paying so much to have them?
You should consult your services to the ARLC, let them know all these teams are just wasting money having coaches and the rest of the coaching staff.........for every team that takes up on your wisdom, take 10% of what they would have paid the combined coaching staff.
No it's definitely Kearney's fault. He coaches his teams to throw too many risky passes which leads to dropped ball. We saw that again last night.