Agree to an extent OMC, but a very simple control would have prevented this........requiring the Chair to countersign every player contract executed by the CEO, and for the standard contract to make it clear that the contract is not complete without the signatures of both. It's not rocket science.
It seems that the first contract was performed in the way you have laid it out above Baz but a f**kwit CEO went and added more shit to it and left others in the board, DA, etc, in the dark.
What if Forans manager or others influential around and or accessible to our precious sensitive CEO put the fear of God (round 13 back door) into Seward and our precious CEO panicked?
What if Foran's manager suggested this $1mil payout clause to Seward..... "If you add this $1mil payout clause I'm sure I can get Foran to not take up the Round 13 back door option....."???
Our CEO is nervously thinking "the Dogs, Titans, Manly & others are still sniffing around..... shit I have to do something heroic for my club and for my prestige........"
Our CEO could have just imagined all these scenario's and let the fear of losing Foran become a nightmare under his watch....
Poor CEO took the fear bait (regardless of his own doing or by others) and panicked......
This shit happens Baz..
Was in big business for 20 years, seen all kinds of shit going on. This includes another 10 years since leaving my business doing the Love For Life work where I've been getting deeply involved in helping thousands of families, couples and individuals stressed to the max and panicking for one reason or another.