Someone give me a swift uppercut.Watched the Slack Page tonight and it was an AFL lovefest once again.
Kelly Underwood going into raptures over some Newcastle guy playing for the Sydney Geese.
" Understand why AFL is the national code. He played x number of games at soccer as a junior,played x number at cricket and NRL junior rugby league,but he chose AFL."Gush ,gush,another non paid
commercial for fumble ball.
Then we get both her and the Ducks ambassador(Squires) who fronts the show, getting wetties over Barnie Franklin,with shots from their game.
Yes there was NRL mentioned Blair chicken wing,and the Internationals,criticism when warranted but no gushing.That misfit panelist Jules Verne(whatever) a fumbler fan,stated the Test was a bore.It may not have been riveting,but all these fumblers dominating and Crash is to PC IMO .
Panel Jules Verne,Bosnich,Squires,Underwood and Crash.Hardly rl experts.