The PM playing Dodge Ball...
Wednesday 1st September 2004
ALEXANDRA KIRK: Mark Latham leapt on a sworn statement by Queensland Liberal Party Branch President, Russell Galt, alleging Liberal Senator George Brandis called the Prime Minister a "lying rodent" on the children overboard story.
REPORTER: What did you say to George Brandis last night?
JOHN HOWARD: George rang me at Kirribilli House and he just discussed the matter.
REPORTER: And what did he tell you?
JOHN HOWARD: Look, I, look, he discussed the matter.
ALEXANDRA KIRK: Did he put his Stat. Dec. out before or after he talked to you?
JOHN HOWARD: Look, look, Alex, I am not going to
he swore on oath a denial of those allegations. George Brandis is a fiercely independent man. George Brandis would say what he believes, and he would not likely say something on oath, in my opinion, that's untrue, not only because he's an honest person, but he's also a barrister.