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The Comic Book Film Thread *** SPOILERS ***


I disagree, the quips in the scene came from characters who were being true to their part. I mean if you dont expect that from Spidey, Scott Lang, Will Barton or even Iron-man then you dont know the characters too well.

They didnt take me out of the scene at all

I didn't say it was bad, and already said I enjoyed it

I just don't agree it was the greatest scene in comic book movies. Too many comedians in an action sequence stops it from being so


A movie starring DC comics three biggest characters has been universally panned by critics and audiences, and has failed to crack $900 million worldwide gross, and if the $400 million production and advertising budget is to be believed, then the movie is only barely profitable. The only positive to come out of the movie was Affleck and Irons' performances.

Done well, BvS easily makes as much as The Avengers. But it wasn't done well at all. So yes, I do consider the movie to be a failure.

wow we got a box office mongul over here, no doubt you troll the box office mojo facebook page.

was never going to make avengers money
4th biggest worldwide opening of all time
made more than any of the marvel phase 1 films except avengers already
panned by critics still will make $900 million worldwide, money talks.
i'm sure WB are really upset some admin on a rugby league forum consider the film a failure
only DC's second film in their shared universe with SS & Wonder Woman to come. still in a good position


Staff member
Why was it never going to make avengers money? Batman, superman and wonderwoman. DC comics three biggest characters all sharing the big screen together for the first time. Hype and anticipation was huge. Marvel have managed to succeed to date without even owning some of their biggest properties, so why was DC never going to make avengers money with their three biggest names?

Sounds like you're just making excuses for DCs failures


Why was it never going to make avengers money? Batman, superman and wonderwoman. DC comics three biggest characters all sharing the big screen together for the first time. Hype and anticipation was huge. Marvel have managed to succeed to date without even owning some of their biggest properties, so why was DC never going to make avengers money with their three biggest names?

Sounds like you're just making excuses for DCs failures

Marvel built there way up to the avengers with the solo films.
I loved marvel pahse one films.

Avengers was always going to be a big event no matter what.
DC decided to get a different way, was never going to pay off the way avengers did.


Staff member
Just finished seeing it. *SPOILERS BELOW*

I was really enjoying it, but I think they really f**ked up the third act. When they were in Siberia, instead of having a tense fight I think they missed an opportunity. Imagine if instead of Cap nearly killing Tony (and vice versa) before leaving with Bucky whilst Black Panther deals with the actual big bad, imagine if you will, a scene where all four of them confronted each other only to discover their mothers all had the same name and they became best friends? That would have been my ending.

But, seriously folks, that movie was f**king rad. My pick of the Marvelverse so far.


Staff member
Just finished seeing it. *SPOILERS BELOW*

I was really enjoying it, but I think they really f**ked up the third act. When they were in Siberia, instead of having a tense fight I think they missed an opportunity. Imagine if instead of Cap nearly killing Tony (and vice versa) before leaving with Bucky whilst Black Panther deals with the actual big bad, imagine if you will, a scene where all four of them confronted each other only to discover their mothers all had the same name and they became best friends? That would have been my ending.

But, seriously folks, that movie was f**king rad. My pick of the Marvelverse so far.

:lol: had me going for a second there :lol:
Civil war is an enjoyable popcorn film, but not even close to Begins or TDK.

Don't get me wrong, it was very entertaining but I don't even think it's the best captain America film, and that's not a criticism of it, just praise of how highly I rate winter soldier.

TDK isn't just a good comic book movie, it's a good in its own right and wouldn't be out of place of got nominated for an Oscar.

No marvel film will be as good as Nolans Batmans and no future DC movie will be either.

I really enjoyed Civil War, probably my favourite marvel movie.


Why was it never going to make avengers money? Batman, superman and wonderwoman. DC comics three biggest characters all sharing the big screen together for the first time. Hype and anticipation was huge. Marvel have managed to succeed to date without even owning some of their biggest properties, so why was DC never going to make avengers money with their three biggest names?

Sounds like you're just making excuses for DCs failures
FFS, you'd have to be one of the lamest Marvel fanboys I've ever come across.

First of all, the success of Marvel Studios was built on the risks that 20th Century Fox, Sony, New Line Cinema, Universal Studios and others took with the IP rights they obtained from Marvel's impending demise in the mid 90's. DC had an already established relationship with Warner Bros and had produced a shitload of successful movies in the 80s and 90s while Marvel was doing what exactly? Howard the f**king Duck, a Fantastic Four movie that was so bad it was never released, and a Punisher movie with Dolph Lundgren as the main star.

Avengers was always going to be a success when it combined four already existing franchise series into one super franchise over the course of three or four years while publicly stating their intentions to do so the entire time.

DC, on the other hand, has only just started to built their expanded universe which won't reach the same level as the Avengers until the Justice League movies appear.

And since you're so concerned with box offices figures, explain to me why Iron Man 3 is the largest grossing Marvel Studios movie outside of the two Avengers ones? It's absolute, utter shit, and yet it's apparently the most popular non-ensemble cast movie from Marvel Studios if box office figures are anything to go by.
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Staff member
FFS, you'd have to be one of the lamest Marvel fanboys I've ever come across.
someone's got to counteract all the lame DC fanboys on here
First of all, the success of Marvel Studios was built on the risks that 20th Century Fox, Sony, New Line Cinema, Universal Studios and others took with the IP rights they obtained from Marvel's impending demise in the mid 90's. DC had an already established relationship with Warner Bros and had produced a shitload of successful movies in the 80s and 90s while Marvel was doing what exactly? Howard the f**king Duck, a Fantastic Four movie that was so bad it was never released, and a Punisher movie with Dolph Lundgren as the main star.
What risks? Outside of the big name characters, I don't recall seeing many Marvel films released. And if they were they were most likely bombs because Marvel didn't have any creative control. I would argue Marvel Studios success is down to them taking a risk on the IP they managed to get back. They took a huge punt with Iron Man, a little known character to all except those who read comic books. Kevin Feige is a huge part of Marvel Studios success too. DC had their share of bombs too you know...remember Batman Forever and Batman and Robin?
Avengers was always going to be a success when it combined four already existing franchise series into one super franchise over the course of three or four years while publicly stating their intentions to do so the entire time.
Der, not in question
DC, on the other hand, has only just started to built their expanded universe which won't reach the same level as the Avengers until the Justice League movies appear.
sure, could be argued if it was just a batman movie or superman sequel. But it wasn't. It was a team up movie featuring the three biggest names in the DC universe

And since you're so concerned with box offices figures, explain to me why Iron Man 3 is the largest grossing Marvel Studios movie outside of the two Avengers ones? It's absolute, utter shit, and yet it's apparently the most popular non-ensemble cast movie from Marvel Studios if box office figures are anything to go by.
nowhere near as bad as you're making it out to be, and being the third in the series, featuring (by now) it's most popular character following on from the team up movie, it's takings are a no brainer


someone's got to counteract all the lame DC fanboys on here
By being even lamer?

What risks? Outside of the big name characters, I don't recall seeing many Marvel films released. And if they were they were most likely bombs because Marvel didn't have any creative control. I would argue Marvel Studios success is down to them taking a risk on the IP they managed to get back. They took a huge punt with Iron Man, a little known character to all except those who read comic books. Kevin Feige is a huge part of Marvel Studios success too.
Good grief.

Marvel Studios started pumping out their own movies at a point that 20th Century Fox and Sony had already put Marvel content into the mainstream box office with X-Men and Spiderman. Marvel Studios films like Iron Man, Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man have been able to capitalise not only on the interest that's already been generated for Marvel content, but from the hundreds of millions of dollars studios are now prepared to put at risk. In other words, the platform was already built for them by studios that knew how to handle Marvel's content better than they did at the time. Then Marvel got to sit back and learn from all their mistakes.

It was also Marvel's failure as a company that led to all that IP being splintered out.

DC had their share of bombs too you know...remember Batman Forever and Batman and Robin?
Yeah I do, and I also remember Catwoman. What's your point? There are good and bad films. For a long while there DC was serving up both while Marvel was doing absolutely nothing.

Other studios also took risks with The Punisher, Ghost Rider, Daredevil, Elektra and so forth.

Der, not in question
sure, could be argued if it was just a batman movie or superman sequel. But it wasn't. It was a team up movie featuring the three biggest names in the DC universe
And? It's a reboot of the Batman franchise for starters, and it didn't have five or so films that all build directly up to it. It's the beginning of the expanded universe, not the final point of the first phase.

nowhere near as bad as you're making it out to be
Oh f**k off, it's a piece of shit.

and being the third in the series, featuring (by now) it's most popular character following on from the team up movie, it's takings are a no brainer
Oh wow, so you actually do see how building up a series of films will bring the dollars no matter what the quality of the films actually are.
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First Grade
Theres no way to spin it, BVS was a disappointment at the BO, earned at least 300m less then expected and near 600m less then high end hopes.

It had Batman, Superman and WW and wont hit 900m. Had record drop offs week after week from its managed OW.

Anyone arguing otherwise is kidding themselves.

Caped Crusader

Theres no way to spin it, BVS was a disappointment at the BO, earned at least 300m less then expected and near 600m less then high end hopes.

It had Batman, Superman and WW and wont hit 900m. Had record drop offs week after week from its managed OW.

Anyone arguing otherwise is kidding themselves.

Agree, the movie was disappointing when compared to successful comic book movies and the hype of expectation surrounding it. The box office $$ clearly paint the picture

That being said, I do think it was always going to push shit up hill given what DC were looking to achieve long term and personally i think BvS will be the soil that a very successful DC movie universe will grow from. It was an establishing movie and in a lot of ways a big reset button and in that regard it did its job.


Amazing movie.

Spider man and Ant man were immense.

I was left wondering about the ending though. Spolier...

Did Zemo really plan to kill himself?
If so, did he know someone would stop him?
Why would he kill himself if he has set other things in motion and everything went to plan?


Staff member
Amazing movie.

Spider man and Ant man were immense.

I was left wondering about the ending though. Spolier...

Did Zemo really plan to kill himself?
If so, did he know someone would stop him?
Why would he kill himself if he has set other things in motion and everything went to plan?

Zemos plan was one of revenge. His wife and kid had been killed in the sokovia catastrophe, so his plan all along was to tear the avengers apart from the inside. Once he'd done that by showing stark it was Bucky who killed his parents, he pretty much had nothing to live for, hence deleting the voicemail from his wife then trying to kill himself


Zemos plan was one of revenge. His wife and kid had been killed in the sokovia catastrophe, so his plan all along was to tear the avengers apart from the inside. Once he'd done that by showing stark it was Bucky who killed his parents, he pretty much had nothing to live for, hence deleting the voicemail from his wife then trying to kill himself

Yeah I got all that.

But at the end he hinted that everything had gone as expected and he had more planned obviously spilling into another movie.

Wondering what that might be? Why he'd kill himself before he could oversee this


BTW, loved the comedy mixed with the action. IT wasn't overdone, it wasn't a bumch of comedians competing for the best one liner, it was sewn in very well.


Staff member
Yeah I got all that.

But at the end he hinted that everything had gone as expected and he had more planned obviously spilling into another movie.

Wondering what that might be? Why he'd kill himself before he could oversee this

Hmm I must've missed that. Going to see it again sometime soon so will no doubt pick up more that I missed.

What I loved is that they incorporated some iconic scenes from comics in the movie, most notably




When that last one happened I was so happy


First Grade
I feel BvS is comparable to Iron Man 2. Disappointing because it tried to set up the whole universe too much instead of focussing on its own story.