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The Game

Radioactive Man

Well it wasn't that bad. 5 tries a piece if Gidley had his kicking botts on would have finished 34-30.
Our ruck defense was very poor today, Ennis carved us up there.Keith Lulia has to go methinks and for next weeks game lets see Uate.

Special mention to Bedsy, Gids and Scotty Dureau best players on field today.


Staff member
My thoughts copied from the other thread;

Things to note:

1. Gidley and Buderus, I don't know what to say. f**king awesome effort by the both of them and if it wasn't for them it would have been a lot uglier.

2. f**k off Vuna, f**k off Lulia. Both sideways running, possession giving fools.

3. Our defence in the middle was woeful. I think pretty much all their tries were results of linebreaks.

4. Someone else needs to kick other than Gidley, yeah it was rough out there today, but give someone else a shot and see how it pans out.

5. Enough of the negatives... we did have some decent moments, they were just shadowed too much by crappy defence.

6. Nice crowd! 21.6k


Staff member
Maybe Naiqama should be our first string goal kicker?


Lulia and Vuna need to go, both are young and have potential but also have too many errors in them, especially at crucial moments. We need Matty Hilder back, and I'd be prepared to start him at lock, just to tighten up the ruck.

I'd have Mad Dog and uate in.

We really need to improve our ruck defence, one on one defence and ball handling.

On a positive I was impressed with what Bailey brought, his passing game set the backline alight a few times and if only we had more competent outside backs

Ranger Jace

First off well done to Brisbane especially Ennis, I think thats the best game hes played in years maybe even ever.

Apart from everything else thats been mentioned. I know it was raining out there today but I just cringed everytime we had possession of the ball and its been like that for the past couple of weeks now. Just seemed like we had butterfingers even at the begining of the game when it was less wet, we just seemed to cough up the ball every few mins which most of the time ended up in a Broncos try.

I dunno whats been happening but it just seems to be getting worse each round. Hopefully that changes next week if we want to have any chance of winning. We have alot of structure now in attack and IMO we look dangerous its just a matter of holding on to that ball and finishing the sets.


That goose ref didnt see some other goose tackle wes naqiuama when he didn't have the ball, was meant to be buderus's support and it most likely wouldve been another try!


It really was a big call not to penalise Brisbane for the Naiqama tackle off the ball. We had a roll on - if we score it gets to 28-24 with 15 to play.

In saying that too many penalties given and too many handling errors. We have the attack and defence - we just don't have the discipline and it is killing us.

Also - is Ennis still off contract for next season? If we are looking for a replacement for Bedsy we could do worse there...


It really was a big call not to penalise Brisbane for the Naiqama tackle off the ball. We had a roll on - if we score it gets to 28-24 with 15 to play.

In saying that too many penalties given and too many handling errors. We have the attack and defence - we just don't have the discipline and it is killing us.

Also - is Ennis still off contract for next season? If we are looking for a replacement for Bedsy we could do worse there...

I been saying it for months.

If he performs like that every time at EAS then sign him up asap :p


I'm sick of saying it, but there were plenty of positives today.
I think it's the first time we have put some slick attack together.

It would be nice if we could get a win though.


Ennis silenced alot of critics today, and I agree based on today we could do worse

I can't wait for Peter Mata'Utia to make the grade, I'd say he's the best goalkicker we've got at the club


Great game. Must admit some comments worth while. I think Gidley does too much that maybe look for another kicker. A few options available.

Newcastle are back up there. only a matter of controlled ball and get the goals and they will be a big enforcer.:D


Isn't Dureau a fine goal kicker?

Maybe Smith doesnt like putting the pressure on young ones to make those kicks and just let them concentrate on their game.


well, i'm f**king pissed.

lulia was absolutely, positively... 100% terrible out there today. i've been tossing and turning on him the last couple of weeks, not quite sure what to make of him.. but that game has well and truly sealed it. that is the worst a knight has played this year. i'm not as critical of vuna - mainly because i believe he could benefit immensely from a quality centre (and a clip up the ears for running sideways) but lulia was just plain sh*thouse.

now onto the positives. danny buderus and kurt gidley. what can you say about these 2 guys that hasn't already been said? they are the heart and soul of the team at the moment and both were absolutely fantastic. gidleys bomb late in the game was great - but other than that his kicking game is still atrocious and i hope smith isn't tempted to play him in the halves based on the momentum we had after scotty left the field. bailey's passing game is incredibly crisp and he is capable of giving excellent service to his centres. wes did look good at fullback, which will only strengthen smiths temptation of playing gids at halfback.

for the forwards, pato was a little hot and cold but still exudes class from every orifice. i thought the rest of the forwards were actually quite disappointing today - and i really think this is where the game was lost (besides off the boot of gidley.. but i'll get to that). brisbane carved us up the middle at times - and it's the first time i've seen it this year. they dominated a lot of tackles and just generally got over the top of our boys - something i really didn't expect with cross coming back. cross looked promising - but needs some match fitness badly.

..and now for the goal kicking. the conditions were absolutely horrible out there today and i can hardly blame gids for costing us the match - especially since he, along with buderus, was the one actually keeping us in the match in the first place. however, i do think that in this competition you really need to nail those high pressure kicks in the close games, and it obviously showed on the scoreboard just how much it cost us today. still, i wouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater on this one... and i'm willing to chalk it down to the conditions and maybe a slightly off day with the boot from an otherwise sound goalkicker.

it has to be said, our discipline needs work big time, as does our drop ball. once again i know the conditions were poor today - however the penalties we give away seem to all come at absolutely crucial times... and ditto with the drop balls. it is plain and simply costing us matches and every week it kills me.

lastly - our attack was really starting to click today. i would have loved to see the game if it were a dry track today. we really stuck it to another competition front-runner today. both teams were nowhere near their best, but i can see miles and miles and miles of improvement in the team yet - and can see us travelling very well come mid season.


Special mention to Dureau, I think he's got great sportsmanship.
You dont see many blokes nowdays showing their hand to help a player up.
Seeing him offer the hand to help Carol up, put a smile to my face.

I really think Naiqama should take over the goal kicking duties, can't really blame Gidley though as the weather was really rough out there.


Well done Knights. Great game, were a bit unlucky but I reckon they've got a decent year ahead of them.

p.s. you guys should sign Gidley for life! he always plays well against us.


Gidley doesn't look like a natural goalkicker, he's done well in the past but I think we need to try a few blokes out or get in Darryl Halligan to coach gids
Agree with most comments here and i was thinking on way home we should look at Ennis possibly coming back..wonder if brisbane has him signed up
Also..while Kurt is great for us always..he does need some attacking spark with him.
Lulia should be gornnnnnnnn....Hope Mc dougall is back next week and if not then give Luke McDougall a run..surely thats an improvement
Probably give Gidley 2 kicks at goal next week and if its not clicking then Wes should take over
All in All the ruck defence was soooo sloppy that cost us..was almost schoolboy stuff and i did notice that Zeb was hooked after he let in one of them with slack defence which was good.How good was it to see Kurt turn and absolutley blast the forwards after yet another try thru the ruck...none of this hands up and "sorry lads ill do better next time"... sometimes a rocket goes a long way