Any of you fellas attempted an IPA? I know f**k all about home brew but I want to give a shot and I quite like my IPA's. Just paging through this thread it looks like it will take a while to get good at it seems as though there's a science to it.
You'll be sweet, I consider IPA is a pretty easy style to brew because most flaws would be hidden behind the hops.
Just need to go hard with american/new world hops late in the boil and do a big dry hop.
What are you favourite IPAs?
As a beginner you could use a coopers kit as a base, then probably 1kg dry malt extract and 1kg of dextrose (so the final gravity wasn't too high) - Boil some of the dry malt extract for 15 mins (say 400gm of it in 4 litres water) adding hops at 15min from the end, 5 min from the end then at flameout. Ferment using us-05 yeast.
I know it all sounds pretty complicated and technical but you can make some seriously good beers without a huge amount of effort pretty quickly IMO.
Cleanliness, Sanitation and Temp control are the 3 most important things for good beer.