How did the Neilson Sauvin summer ale turn out?
It's delicious - slight taste of stone fruit and not really white wine tasting, but heavy so not really a sessionable summer ale - after 2 glasses you can definitely feel it. I'll certainly do it again but hopefully the yeast won't be so greedy next time.
The peach saison is now in the can (68.5% efficiency) and I'm absolutely loving no-chill brewing (can't believe I hadn't tried it earlier). There's just something about removing the chilling step that makes the whole process mentally and physically so much easier. The flexibility to brew and store wort while I've still got beers on tap is awesome too. Now I'm going to build a stir plate to allow me to make fresh wort yeast starters.
I'm now consistently hitting 68-69% efficiency which I put down to the following changes:
* Change of brew shop with a coarser grind
* Back to using Bru'n Water spreadsheet and treating water with Calcium Chloride, Gypsum, Epsom and Citric Acid to hit flavour profile and pH. Note I'm not testing for pH but the numbers add up based on my tap water profile
* Consistently using 20L for mash volume (the coarser grind means that I don't need to use rice hulls anymore) and recirculating throughout the mash
* Yoga mat wrapped around the kettle to help with temp consistency
It feels great to have hopefully mastered this system - now I can simply focus on recipes and just brew.
I may even do a double brew day tomorrow and get the American Brown and 30 Cal done while pitching the yeast onto the saison.