It's obviously different if you're brought up on it.. don't be a hater, it's just a different thing- completely different, so don't judge it from a Rugby league perspective, it will never live up to that.
Watch the SB on Monday with this perspective: they have 1 job.. say a wide receiver right, he doesn't need stamina, strength, power , doesn't need to learn how to pass or tackle.. So what are you left with? Literally the fastest and most agile man possible! Out of 340 million people he'll be in the fastest they can find and he'll only train to do that- PURE EXPLOSIVE SPEED, a Ferrari with just enough gas for the quarter mile! His defenders the same! 2 Ferrari's doing battle!
Take that concept across the park for 1 play. .. now coordinate all those guys together to create a military like operation to gain territory- the defence has to shut it down...
It's a completely different thing!
I wouldn't pay what they do of course but those seats are bought by people who consider it pocket change.
I much prefer Rugby League but I don't mind watching the Ferrari's.