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The LU footyshow panel


croydon Dog food said:
Everytime I read one of Broncoman's efforts I could envisage the sweat corsing down his brow and his eyes all screwed up in a state of furious concentration as he pounded away on his Apple Macintosh 1992.
He was a man who like his Billy Idol, Shane Website provided another useless take on an already banal topic. He would also indulge in statistics about the amount of times Darrne Lockyer combed his hair to the left and right and the effect this had on his post-game interviews.

Someone ought to write a fitting tribute to the great man. As a friend and compatriot and fellow K-mart shopper I feel that I am obliged to read out the obituary. If anybodyelse feels qualified for the role just pour out your emotions now. Don't be inhibited.
Don't get too far ahead of yourself..... apparently Droid is due back sometime in September.
Big_Bad_Shark_Fan said:
when this goes ahead i reckon we need intelligence and humour as the main 2
we dont want bias canberra or manly supporters that why i think croydon, da vinci , me , bazal and dodge owuld make an awesome crue

That sound like Wankers Anonymous
f**k I hate missing posts....

croydon Dog food said:


croydon Dog food said:
Show some variety son.

Yes Dad.

Heinz 57 coming right up.

croydon Dog food said:
You ride the high horse with a veneer of intelligence but it doesn't take long to expose the limitations to your gab.

Exposing is good, but it should be left to the fairer sex. Preferably the type that didn't play for the Oberon Wombats.

croydon Dog food said:
You are the Don Quiote of toilet humour and Benny Hill's passing salute to his arse-crack.

It loses something without the x.

Benny Hill... lol

Was a relative of mine.

Nice call.

croydon Dog food said:
I'm sure you are comforted by the giggles you receive from your sycophants, the Albert Fulavai 5 and other people that you have scared into submission.

Nah, I don't scare anyone into anything. Except Dodger, I think I may have scared him. And Saab, I scared him too.

Unintentionally, of course. I'm misunderstood.

croydon Dog food said:
But lets be clear on this, while they might chortle at your mentions of 'poo', this will never be as entertaining for them as watching repeats of last week's funniest home videos, you know where the pigeon gets kicked in the balls? No? Seriouly, It was a ripper and we have to meet up to watch it.

That was funny, but I really liked the Dog who did blowfish with the wind.

croydon Dog food said:
Have you ever thought to modernise your approach or at least use a little improvisation? You invariably come into the posts only when the sh*t is flying.

No, not really. I generally just see that there's a little stoush about to occur and I fan the flames...

croydon Dog food said:
That's when you recite every derrivation of the old joke 'your dad should have a flog at birth' that you picked up during your days as a wetnurse.

Yeah, I wore that one out. I'm working on sheep-shagging jokes now, they're littered about the place.

croydon Dog food said:
Rather than hurling flecks of sh*te I invite you to talk footy. If you're itching for a fight then we can step out to a number of places.

I talk Footy all the time, you just miss it because you're dazzled by all the toilet humour.

croydon Dog food said:
Put on your headgear and we'll go to 4C.

4C is a sh*thole. I'd have more fun being a leper colony's "stray limb gatherer" than I would have in 4C.

It's because, and this is embarrassing, I don't have a label.

croydon Dog food said:
Strap up the cocktail dress and we proceed to the fun zone.

Smooth talker...

croydon Dog food said:
Strawberry Kiss and we're in the Music Forum .

Can we give the hip hop/rap threads a miss though?

croydon Dog food said:
Ask me to the Rooty Hill RSL and I say piss off because Ashfield's offering a $1 lunch.

You said Rooty... lol

croydon Dog food said:
Well strictly speaking, the deal is only available to war vets.I'm sorry to excite you, EA. I hope you haven't been rash and thrown away all the black stump shoper-dockets that you have accumulated.

My boss is so tight that we went to the Black Stump for Xmas lunch last year and when the bill was produced he pulled a bunch of dockets out of his pocket.

So the staff proceeded to drink the equivalent in piss, just to annoy him.

I have a couple of dockets saved for this year. We can use one.

croydon Dog food said:
The real reason I don't want to take up your offer for a drink is because I don't particularly like you, Mr Everloving. That's not too harsh is it mate?

Nah, you like me, you're just a bit tender about saying it out loud....
Mr Angry said:
Well with all the fuss over who should host the footy show, I thought I would ask who you would nominate from here to replace the incumbents?
It is a Panel of 4.
So which 4 posters would you nominate to replace the current mob??
Perhaps LU should produce a show sell it to the ABC, get great ratings, then sellout to a commercial channel ala the fat.

The idea would be to talk footy, so I am not interested in who you think would look great in drag.

LOL that'd be a first for the Footy show :lol:


CDF is little more than a fraud EA, i wouldn't lose sleep over him. All his bum felchers are just dummy accounts

He needs help


First Grade
CDF is hilarious.

And is also not a real account...so I don't see why you're constantly arguing.

And as for LF...I don't like him, but it was pretty obvious he was baiting people and then when he came out with the line about "sleeping on rose petals" that sealed it.
EA replying to a post from 3 months ago is like exhuming the body of Peter Allen to tell him that he was a nice person. And despite what you say might say my analogy about Peter Allen stops there.

In other news Anthrax was a sh*t in the pan and the YSK did not take my baby so there’s no need to writing a hysterical letter in crayon into the Daily Telegraph 5 years after the outbreak.

Having said that, my scrapbook notes that the enmity between us had died away and I have noticed that have taken heed to my advice and now you talk about league for the most part. While the patrons of social page #9 miss you dearly I think that it’s a positive step as you make your way into the twilight of your career.

I look on at the fans you abuse and compare them against my own personal notes and usually the abuse corresponds with what I have written in my scrapbook.
An example- the name has been removed so that it doesn’t offend the person.

Person: [ ]
Supports: Brisbane Lions, Atlanta Hawks, Melbourne Hurricane
Age: Either a smart 14 year old or a crippling dense 15 year old hamster.
Starch Levels: Mony is not old enough to have the glands that produce starch. Reading unattainable.

Btw no wombat side in Oberon. We were the Tigers and I played alongside a man you might know as an old Magpie fan, the great Bruce Gibbs.
Moffo said:
CDF is little more than a fraud EA, i wouldn't lose sleep over him. All his bum felchers are just dummy accounts

He needs help

And who asked for reasurrance from Australia's tribute to John Edwards?

Moffman, I derailed your credibility long ago and left your career in tatters. Now that the berries are out of contention I think its time to retire to the Kennel to coverse with like-minded folk.

I was a solid player and now Im a plain meat and potatoes rugby league supporter who wants to bring issues to bear but I'm being harassed by a 19 year old who stalks me in every post.

I sometimes feel as though Im Harry Potter and I've slain the magic donkey, I've emancipated the people from slavery and now I'm being hounded by a miserable little kid who I can't tell whether he's an amdirer or a detractor.

Lets put this into perspective Moffo, people come to watch Mark O'neill offload, not Tony Grimaldi's pathetic attempts at locking up the ball. You see, WD Grace's saying still has resonance today.


croydon Dog food said:
And who asked for reasurrance from Australia's tribute to John Edwards?

Moffman, I derailed your credibility long ago and left your career in tatters. Now that the berries are out of contention I think its time to retire to the Kennel to coverse with like-minded folk.

I was a solid player and now Im a plain meat and potatoes rugby league supporter who wants to bring issues to bear but I'm being harassed by a 19 year old who stalks me in every post.

I sometimes feel as though Im Harry Potter and I've slain the magic donkey, I've emancipated the people from slavery and now I'm being hounded by a miserable little kid who I can't tell whether he's an amdirer or a detractor.

Lets put this into perspective Moffo, people come to watch Mark O'neill offload, not Tony Grimaldi's pathetic attempts at locking up the ball. You see, WD Grace's saying still has resonance today.

h to the hisse
Moffo said:
CDF is little more than a fraud EA, i wouldn't lose sleep over him. All his bum felchers are just dummy accounts

He needs help

Decisions, decisions.

Keep the "truce" with CDF or give him a bit?

Can't say I'm too enamoured with his dislike for you mate, he should be disliking me more. I'm obviously a bigger prick.
Bumble said:
CDF is hilarious.

Has his moments.

Bumble said:
And is also not a real account...so I don't see why you're constantly arguing.

So, he's imaginary?

Aren't we all?

Bumble said:
And as for LF...I don't like him, but it was pretty obvious he was baiting people and then when he came out with the line about "sleeping on rose petals" that sealed it.

LF is a putz, he backpedals faster than Lance Armstrong can pedal forwards after a particularly strong week on the juice. The fact that you think he's doing the baiting makes you a putzee.


cdf has no backbone, he feeds off his lackies, he is spineless

a runt at best

no worries ea, i can take the insults from this scab on the arse of humanity hahaha
Moffo said:
cdf has no backbone, he feeds off his lackies, he is spineless

a runt at best

no worries ea, i can take the insults from this scab on the arse of humanity hahaha

Thats your retort and you feel the need to indulge in self praise?

this scab on the arse of humanity

You are losing it Moffo, take a spell. This post reflects the mindset of a man who is plauged by self-doubt and uncertainty.
Reach for the Brett Kimmorley inside yourself.



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