I look at Young's case in a different way. Has been on our pay role for over 20 years.Showing loyalty is another way of saying he couldn't or wouldn't get another AC job anywhere else.Working at other clubs only makes him a far better experienced AC .He can always go and get a job at the pub but why do that when the club is looking after him so well? i wonder what an assistant coach's wage is 150K ?
I guess I just note that we as fans decry players's who are not loyal and chase dollars ala Dugan and similarly criticise players who remain loyal because they are not good enough to earn else where.
The Youngs have done well out of the Dragons but as I understand it the family owns a number of pubs and neither Craig nor Dean's primary motivation is money as they would both make more money working in their own business.
We sacked Craig as coach when he didn't deliver so I doubt we have any more loyalty to Dean who has no where near his father's legacy at the club. Dean is capable of teaching discipline, hard tackling and attitude to training. Dean was highly regarded by Wayne Bennett as a leader within the team and as role model.
It just seems a long bow to draw to include a loyal servant when the issue that forums have is with club management and the current coach.
As someone who has led a mercenary career pursuing skills and promotion without concern to employer loyalty or even a particular industry I can have personally seen the benefit of accumulating technical work based skills through different work environments particularly in change management and fiscal constraint; however as a professional leader the development of less technical leadership and coaching attributes was more difficult than that of my peers who changed less frequently.
But thanks for your alternative view as it shows a different perspective.