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"The players knew nothing" starting to wear thin....


You'd have to be borderline geniused to not know something was wrong.
Sad but seems true.

I can't believe the bleating from Storm players, that they didn't know or couldn't know, or that they weren't involved or it's not their responsibility to understand the gifts received or extra payments made into their own accounts. :lol:

Oh, and the bit about how they never talk to each other about any of it! So Inglis didn't ever take any of his work/team mates out on his shiny new boat then? Give me a break.... :lol:


I can't speak for anyone else here but when I get paid I know exactly what I'm supposed to be getting paid
Not sure anyone has stated that they don't knw what they get paid. It's about how it is reportedd upwards and I've got no idea and no interest in how my employer reports my salary to other parties.

Above all else, the individual player is not responsible for the management of the club's salary cap. I'm not happy about what some people in the Storm have done but there are a few here that would be happy to hang anyone ever associated with the club.


Above all else, the individual player is not responsible for the management of the club's salary cap.

They are responsible for signing their contract which gets lodged with the NRL. So, if they sign a second contract (for a different, higher value) as well... what then? No responsibility?


Links to what? To dodgy press articles with no facts in them? I asked you for proof. In a murder trial would the judge say "well the daily telecrap reckons they are guilty so 25 years for them". If the players are eventually found guilty ill be as disgusted as much as anyone and demand they are removed from my club. Until then your repetetive accusations of the players are getting tiresome.

Um - I think you're confusing a few things here?

The papers generally try and report the events that are happening - of course they lace that with a fair amount of opinion etc. The "trick" when reading a newspaper is being able to discern which part is an 'opinion piece' and which part is a 'reporting of facts'

Here's a tip for ya: the 'reporting of facts' can get a paper into trouble if it is not accurate - so when a paper is mentioning names and events, and stating "this is what happened" then there's a red hot chance that they've got a leg to stand on.

So - breaking this down to the Storm case: someone like Gould says "here's an idea, let the Storm play for points after they cut $700k in players". That's an opinion piece
Someone says that Hanson presented the 'secret second contracts' of Inglis, Smith, Slater and one unnamed player to the NRL; cites figures, and retailers involved. That's a reporting of facts piece. And if it isn't, it sure as heck is presented as one, and those 3 players ought to sue the guy for defamation.

Oh - but of course they cannot, because he isn't doing anything except reporting a development on a scandal.

And, for the record, it's not a murder trial. In fact there is no 'ongoing trial' here at all. The case has already been closed - the Storm WERE found to be GUILTY of cheating the NRL salary cap - and now the papers are starting to report the events leading up to that verdict as they become known to the public.

I cannot see how anyone can believe Smith, Inglis and Slater when they claim to be innocent. Signing 2 contracts - whatever you get told by manager/ Waldron - SURELY must seem a little bit suss?


You'd have to be borderline geniused to not know something was wrong. One piece of paper says 500k a year, the other says god knows what and that doesn't seem suspicious? Newspapers and media outlets reporting that you're on 450-500k while you're really bringing in 7-800 and something doesn't tell you that something isn't quite right. Seriously?

I can't speak for anyone else here but when I get paid I know exactly what I'm supposed to be getting paid and for how many hours, if I'm missing even the most minute amount I will chase it up. Everyone else I know does the same thing, why wouldn't that apply to people earning more money? Or is it just normal to be given 20 grand for doing nothing, or handed huge store cards for no apparent reason.

f**kin genius, looking at it from the outside yes it looks this way. The investigators have already said theres no evidence to suggest the players knew anything.
Even if they did sign two contracts, do you know what the second one said? It could of lead them to believe they werent doing anything wrong.
ease up here guys if the players were involved the investigation will find it making unfounded accusations against people will only get leagueunlimited sued


Agreed. Im amazed the moderators havent cleaned up more of the posts. The number of completely unfounded personal allegations made against players is astounding given the regulators say no indication at this stage of players being involved.
Agreed. Im amazed the moderators havent cleaned up more of the posts. The number of completely unfounded personal allegations made against players is astounding given the regulators say no indication at this stage of players being involved.
im sure they are doing what they can but they are like dutch boys with a finger in the dyke at the moment for every post they delete 10 more spring up


It is generally personal views by the posters if they think the players knew or not based on what has come out in the media. Sure there might have been a few posts that might be worse but most are debating if you believe some of the players knew or not, seems ok to me.
It is generally personal views by the posters if they think the players knew or not based on what has come out in the media. Sure there might have been a few posts that might be worse but most are debating if you believe some of the players knew or not, seems ok to me.
sure as long as they say "i think" player x is dirty its a personal opinion not slander


Um - I think you're confusing a few things here?

The papers generally try and report the events that are happening - of course they lace that with a fair amount of opinion etc. The "trick" when reading a newspaper is being able to discern which part is an 'opinion piece' and which part is a 'reporting of facts'

So - breaking this down to the Storm case: someone like Gould says "here's an idea, let the Storm play for points after they cut $700k in players". That's an opinion piece
Someone says that Hanson presented the 'secret second contracts' of Inglis, Smith, Slater and one unnamed player to the NRL; cites figures, and retailers involved. That's a reporting of facts piece. And if it isn't, it sure as heck is presented as one, and those 3 players ought to sue the guy for

I cannot see how anyone can believe Smith, Inglis and Slater when they claim to be innocent. Signing 2 contracts - whatever you get told by manager/ Waldron - SURELY must seem a little bit suss?

i'll repeat my point because you missed it: no-one at this stage has PROOF that the players systematically cheated. Until there is proof, the accusations on here against players are...accusations.

Thats why no paper has said 'player x got that boat illegally'. Because they have no proof. I'll repeat what i said to ulysseus: if you have definitive proof the players cheated then show us it. The nrl seem to think they dont have this proof at present and they've seen the files. Thanks for the tip on how to read a paper though. Btw above you have pretty much named players you say are guilty. I'd be careful doing that on a public forum without any facts to back up your accusations.


f**kin genius, looking at it from the outside yes it looks this way. The investigators have already said theres no evidence to suggest the players knew anything.
Even if they did sign two contracts, do you know what the second one said? It could of lead them to believe they werent doing anything wrong.

Understand what you are saying. But what about the following scenario - a possible conversation between Inglis and Waldron:

INGLIS - Hay Wally, I got a problem.

WALDRON - What's that Greg?

INGLIS - I gotta do my tax


INGLIS - I can't find the bloke who Dad told me to use. I looked in the phone book everywhere.

WALDRON - What's his name?

INGLIS - John Smith. Dad used him for years.

WALDRON - so, where is he?

INGLIS - Dad says on the Highway at Macksville where he's always been, opposite the nursery and just up from the BP servo, but he's dissapeared.

WALDRON - How do you know?

INGLIS - Because the whole town has dissapeared.

WALDRON (dispenses a lackey to check the medicine cupboard to see if anything is missing) - What? Whaddaya mean Macksville is missing?

INGLIS - Its gone! (begins to weep)

WALDRON - how do you know it's gone, Greg?

INGLIS - I did a search on Google Maps, and they say the place name does not exist!

WALDRON - Did you bugger up the search? Just like the time your speedboat was a bit slow in the water, and we discovered that you still had the trailer on?


WALDRON - (beats his head on the table) Look, Greg, how about you take it to someone local? There are plenty of tax agents here in Melbourne.

INGLIS - Good idea! Only one more problem...

WALDRON - What's that Greg?

INGLIS - You know all those different letters you gave me with the different numbers on them?

WALDRON - Yeah, what about them?

INGLIS - Which one do I take?

WALDRON - (suddenly feeling a slight chest pain)...hang on Greg...

INGLIS - I know. I'll take the one with the biggest number! That would make me look cool

And what would Waldron's response be?


Matt King was on Radio over here and sounded totally gutted by the whole thing.

He probably got some stick for his 2007 tatoo though. ;-)

The Storm are propped up by a third party, so why would News give money to Storm to pay players, the money could come direct. If you were a player and the boss said its all good, why doubt him? According to King the players never discussed what each other earned (and to be fair why would you, i don't discuss my wages with others) so its not like they could make a spreadsheet up to check.

I don't know what happened and i'm not going to guess who knew what.


f**kin genius, looking at it from the outside yes it looks this way. The investigators have already said theres no evidence to suggest the players knew anything.
Even if they did sign two contracts, do you know what the second one said? It could of lead them to believe they werent doing anything wrong.

Why on Earth would you start your response with "f**kin genius"? Then follow it by agreeing that from the outside that is how it appears. Guess what genius, we are on the outside :? you have issues.


Not sure anyone has stated that they don't knw what they get paid. It's about how it is reportedd upwards and I've got no idea and no interest in how my employer reports my salary to other parties.

You would if you signed a separate contract that showed you a different amount to the one that was supposed to go to whichever entity owned your employer.


They're going to protect the players. Because if they don't they will all piss off to the ARU. I guess we'll have to wait another 5 years for it to be proven won't we...

How on earth the NRL didn't discover these rorts before I don't know. Melbourne signed player after player. Even when nobody was able to fit players like Finch and Mason under their cap, they were always linked to the Storm despite already fielding a team of top line players.


This shows the club has absolutely no morals whatsoever.

Even when nobody was able to fit players like Finch and Mason under their cap, they were always linked to the Storm despite already fielding a team of top line players.
you cant always go off newspaper rumors i remember last year every man and his dog coming off contract was linked to the eels but how many of those were serious and how many were just managers trying to up their client's asking price?


you cant always go off newspaper rumors i remember last year every man and his dog coming off contract was linked to the eels but how many of those were serious and how many were just managers trying to up their client's asking price?

Perhaps not the Telecrap but SMH is generally on the money....

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