Had a "debate" with a guy at work over this thread. It quickly moved away from the football aspect and turned out to be full on theological discussion. Being the Caring "Evolutionist" that I am, I asked him to kindly explain Dinosaurs to me. He decided to show me this little gem:
It started off ok - sticking to the facts - then I had to apply the old handbrake, pull over to the curb and laugh my arse off when I got to the "When did Dinosaurs Live?" part. So this was his belief on How his religion explained the Dinosaurs and that the Earth is only a couple of thousands of years old. I Then asked him to explain one more thing..... I gave him two words that generally f**k up a religious persons day: Radiocarbon Dating.
If Carbon dating can date organic life back 50,000 years or so, how does that explain his "The Earth is only 6,000 years old" belief?
He told me that Carbon Dating is flawed - it can give multiple readings and dates on the same sample examined.
I then asked him about Uranium Isotopic Dating. This can date back to Billions of years - give or take 200,000 years either side
and the fact that it is now commonly accepted by the general scientific community that the Earth is approximately 4.5 Billion Years old.
I even told him that a few years ago the Vatican (under good old Pope John Paul II) accepted Radiocarbon Dating as a means of dating objects like The Shroud of Turin - which accurately dated the object back to when it was "supposedly" used.... but when they found out exactly how far back Radiocarbon Dating can identify objects, they quickly backflipped and denounced it.
Theological debates are fun.