At the Dragons, it is a long time since staff were held accountable for poor decisions. By all means, Haran, Millward, Milard and Webb needed to be shown the door after their role in extending the contracts of Rava, Lawrie, and M Molo.
Well i'd argue we have held people accountable. We sacked Griffin, essentially hired a new coaching team and have a new CEO in-bound.
Rava and Lawire were both resigned when they were undisputed starters and Molo was re-signed because we couldn't fill the top 30! I'd argue that the Board held so much operational power, that they would've been involved in this. Of all of the idiotic things we've done at this club, I don't really have an issue in those 3 players being resigned. Hindsight is wonderful.
I don't know anything about Haran and Millward and what they do, but I am impressed with our top 30 signings this year and next, while the young players we've signed look like genuine good quality first graders.
For the first time in a long-time I say give the club a break