And methinks you are a dickhead and you have just proved it again
He is an unabashed liar, an out & out troll, takes advantage of a privilege afforded him and thinks this entire forum is his playground to do as he wants whenever he wants and all the while censoring people like you & me.
I for a moment thought that the penny might have finally dropped when he sent #3382 but obviously he places no value on the words he writes and obscures his meanings with poor humour or cynicism.
No amount of engaging with or explaining to him will change the way that he is and all the while he thinks he is intelligent, funny and witty.
Such actions at a venue where people can respond directly to his face would see him in a world of pain so he decides to hide here in the shadows and makes sure he never cast a shadow himself.
muzby's is a life of meaningless babble, innuendo, pedantry, bullying, censoring and antagonism no doubt he is such a weasel that he is well pleased with his lot in life and TBH best he be left to it.
There are many good people in this place that do not abuse their rights or privileges so let's not let 1 idiot spoil it.