While I agree with most of your last post I want to just blow away this myth that it is Smith's past record that will see him suspended.
You said...
"Unfortunately, as many have stated correctly on this thread, his record with the judiciary will almost see his career end with the Dragons and in Australia, but it should most definately not."
Sounds allright to me except for the bit that this is somehow
'stated correctly'.
There is nothing correct or just about a player being penalised for past indiscretions when indeed, he has already been punished.
Perhaps you mean that the Judiciary is biased, inconsistent and notoriously corrupt and will therefore suspend an innocent man just for the heck of it.... in which case I agree.
One thing which gets mentioned often in the press and in this forum is the terrible injury to Kevin Walters... well, it's not that terrible... he'llrecover and will most likely be back in 3 or 4 weeks.... getting a wholesome send off from his supporters.
One thing that isn't mentioned enough is that if Smith fails to play anymore games in Australia, his contract with Wigan for next year is null and void. Smith has only played 15 games this year and to qualify as an import for Wigan, he must have played a minimum of 16 games in Australia in 2001.
Jim Hall's apparent dislike for Smith (aged 29) could see thisexcellent prop forward all washed up as a 1st class player. Smith deserves better.
I for one will be wishing Craig Smith the very best of luck tonight.