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The Team That Smashed the Hoodoo

Brisbane weren't as bad as everyone though
StGeorge threw so much at Broncos in 1st half and only went in with 6 point lead and they were by far the most dangerous team!
Stgeorge defence for majority of game was superb and the thing about StGeorge is they are improving every week!
If they gain a bit of momentum against sides higher than them such as Brisbane,Newcastle,Roosters and Bulldogs
Look out
As me very good friend said yesterday- "I always thought the year we beat the broncos is the year we win the competition
Anyway what ever happens who bloody cares-we have beat the Broncos for the first time i can remember and right now are on cloud 9
All boys up in Brisbane keep us informed what the Broncos are whinging about!
Bennett was winging in telegraph today about Smith using his elbow or forearm on Kevvie walters
I havn't seen the incident- is there anything in it?
A) There was nothing in the incedent it was 100% accidental.
b) Bennett should be thanking the Dragons. Walters was there weak link in defense.
C) The most hypocritical coach in the game is once again trying to influence the media to ensure an opposing team has a player suspended.He may be a fantastic coach, but he is 100% scum as a human being goes!!!! I played my junior League For Brisbane Souths. Bennett was the A grade coach when I was in under 13's or 14's. One day I happended to be with my coach when he asked Wayne to give a talk to the juniors 12's to 16's. Wayne said to him & I qoute "I'm not wasting my time on the f**king kids, I've got men to coach".
He was a scum of a man 17 years ago & nothing has changed over the years.


Kevvie Walters is out for 4 weeks with a broken nose and fractured eye socket

Craig Smith has been charged with a Grade 3 offence and faces 5 weeks on the sidelines if found guilty. If he contests the charge, and is found guilty, it will be 6 weeks.


If he pleads guilty, he is gone for the season. He has to take a gamble on this one and plead not guilty. To me, it did'nt look that bad but I still havent seen all the evidence.I'm sure all the Saints fans are in an uproar about this. Without him, they are nowhere near as effective. Interesting times.


Assistant Moderator
Aaron: Take it from me mate. Saints went hammer and thong at Brisbane in the first half while running into the wind. Brisbane weren't playing bad, it's just that Saints were awesome.
Fatty's predictions that Brisbane were about to score early in the 2nd half were met with another Dragons try. The fact that Brisbane got back into the match were simply because they were done a few favours by Mander.

The Smith incident is a joke. He hit the chest of Walters and as Walters hit the ground, Smith fell as well and his elbow slipped into the tackled player's face. It was just one of those things that happens in a game of football.

Bullshit Willow!
To say that ...his elbow slipped into the tackled player's face is a typical ignorant response by a disillushined and one-eyedDragons supporter.
Howon Earthdid he sustain a fracture of the eye socket, as well as being ruled out for the remainder of the season, if it did infact happen the way you say?
Smith was incompetent in his actions, and should also be omitted for the rest of the season.



Assistant Moderator
How can I say this?
I've watched the video replay over and over. It was just one of those things that happens in a footy match.
Maybe you're right...perhaps Saints should be instructed to tackle a little softer in future.
Afterall, someone could get hurt...

It's one of those things that should not have happened Willow.
It certainly wasn't as mellow as you seem to believe.
My point is that the punishment should fit the crime, whether it was premeditated or not, is for the judiciary to decide.
It was a callus act which in turn hasput a class player out for the remainder of the season, and the player in question should rightfully be punished for his actions ... regardless of whether it was accidental or intentional.
Once again, I'll be happy to agreeto disagree with youon this one Willow.
We'll let thejury decide in this instance, shall we?
It's late and I'm off to bed.
'Nite Willow.


Assistant Moderator
What a wimpy lot the Broncos have become this year.

"It's one of those things that should not have happened Willow."
If you can tell me how we can stop players being hurt on the footy field, please let me in on the secret.

"It certainly wasn't as mellow as you seem to believe."
I never said it was mellow. In fact, I thought I was giving the impression that it is a tough game. I applaud the toughness of Rugby League. I do not condone thuggery. Smith did not act in a thuggish way.

"whether it was premeditated or not, is for the judiciary to decide..."
I haven't trusted the judiciary in over 36 years of watching them doing favours for their mates. I always expect the worst from those wankers.

"It was a callus act which in turn hasput a class player out for the remainder of the season"
How was it callous? It was an accident! Got it? The only true thing here is that Walters is probably out for the season. Do you want to take Smith down with him? Is that you're point?



this is a fair dinkum joke,there was nothing in it,andrew johns'sincident the week before was 20 times worse,if he gets 5 weeks for that incident there has to be a conspiracy against him.


Assistant Moderator
Craig Smith has pleaded not guilty and will be contesting the charge. No surprise there.
There seems to be a bit of concern that he will cop a 5 - 6 week suspension based on his past record.
As is often the case with this judiciary, I'm confused. How is it possible to get suspended because of past suspensions? Surely, if Smith is proven innocent, then how should past crimes be even remotely relevant? After all, he has already done the time.

The more I look at the video, the more I'm convinced that this was an accident. The grade 3 striking charge should not stick.
I agree. It certainly was not a nothing incident. If it was a nothing incident, than the injury that Walters sustained would not have happened.
We see a number of incidents every week, where no obvious or apparentinjury or harm comes to a player due to certain accidental incidentsThose (unfortunately)are the ones considered a nothing incident, not this one.
I don't believe there was any intentional malice comitted in this instance, and Smith should not be suspended due to an accidental elbow to the head, but because it was not a nothing incident (because of an apparent injury), he will undoubtably be punished by a panel of crooks.
Unfortunate, but that's life ..



ok,we agree to differ on the incident,what i would like to see however is a complete ban on defenders pushing players heads down in the tackle,it's a ploy to slow the speed of the ball down,smith has tried to do the same thing but unfortunatly walters must have a glass nose and eye socket.

cheers pepe


Assistant Moderator
There was no intent. IMO, that part of the incident has nothing in it.
Walters' injury is pretty bad and no one wants to see a bloke get his eye socket smashed.
But how is that relevant? Is Smith to be convicted because the player got hurt or is he to be convicted because he deliberately tried to take Walters out?
Walter's injury should have no bearing whatsover on the judiciaries' decision.But it probably will because of the hysterical rantings about poor old Kevvie.


Assistant Moderator
That's my concern Warlock. I've come to expect the worst from Jim Hall's MRC who are joined at the hip withJim Hall's judiciary.
Smith is the cornerstone to our pack and Saints chances dim considerably when he is not there.
I only hope that the charges do not stick but asix match suspension will see Smith's Aust career over. Saints may manage one play off game at best without him.
As you can see, from a St George perspective, this is definitely not a nothing incident.



it's unfortunate walters sustained the injuries he did,smith is a big bloke and what i saw did not look like a intentional act,now the incident the week before with johns was just a malice act and warranted twice the time on the sideline that smith appears likely to get.

you tell me how the tribunal can possibly view smiths act as beingworse than johns,because the majority of usfans can't.