Don't forget,
We watch this great game for entertainment, and if we aren't entertained then we have a right to be up set.
As Sully pointed out, this is not just a game, look at it from a buisness point of view, they train all week and only have to perform for 80 min. and some can't even do that, and then next week they don't get dropped.
any other buisness would have them out on their ear, especially if this happened week after week.
I love my team and I pump a lot of time, Money and effort in to seeing them play every week. but just cause I turn up every week dosn't mean I have to love every player nor do I have to agree with every decission made by the coach, staff or the players on the day.
This is my / your right as a supporter, and you can feel free to voice you opinions as loud or as quiet as you like.
But for those of you that believe that Finch is a wanker, and deserves nothing more than what's coming to him, then you're welcom to join me in exercising our right to let him know at the next Raiders V Roosters game.